View Full Version : audio boxes in SX

02-06-2004, 08:02 PM
ok the picth shift thing has raised another question i have about audio in SX...

anoybody know why, when you paste 2 or more audio boxes togethor you can no longer do volume adjustments to that box? its irritating to say the least..

also i pasted 2 boxes of hats togethor and pitch shifted em (using yer technique ZM) and it treats it as though it was still 2 boxes and applies the pitch curve to both when i just want one long curve!!

do i really have to bounce shit down into new boxes every time i want to overcome this ??


03-06-2004, 11:10 AM
it's all 2 do with the way SX handles audio down 2 the core. Basically what we have in the arrange/ main window is just a pointer 2 a file on the Audio Poll. So when u apply an envelope cubase adds that info 2 an internal folder called Edits. so when u play the audio it will read the main file till it reaches the edit, from then it will read the edit file and then go back 2 the original. So if u wanna make the pitch thing permanent U have 2 do audio/ bounce selection. This way U've created a new file that has yer edits and is already loaded into yer audio Pool.
If u want longer envelopes u have 2 strap a couple of waves 2gether 'till u got the audio part just the lenght u need, bounce it and then do the pitch thang!

U constantly bounce in order 2 have several small click of the same stuff doing slightly different things.

Make yer key shortcuts, I made 1 macro and created a key shortcut on my cubase that I press ctrl+shift+b and it imediatelly bounce/ correct dc/ normalise.


03-06-2004, 02:56 PM
u kick ass :love:

03-06-2004, 02:57 PM
i could lick you butt till it bleeds!

03-06-2004, 03:19 PM
No u couldn't! ;)

I am not of the gay :P

but if I was, U'd b on my list cause I luv producers that can handle SX and U look like u could tatoo Cutoff and resonance under yer nipples Major lol! ehehe


I'm taken anyways :cool: :love:


04-06-2004, 03:46 PM
man this rules! u make thigs so easy!

any other cool shit to tell me??

04-06-2004, 05:17 PM
Make yer key shortcuts, I made 1 macro and created a key shortcut on my cubase that I press ctrl+shift+b and it imediatelly bounce/ correct dc/ normalise.
THAT is a great idea :)

04-06-2004, 09:00 PM
humm anything U've been looking 2 do but couldn't find out how?

-Use and abuse the Midi efx... Program mad program changes and whatch the synths go mad...

- With vsti do crazy things with cut of mod amount, glide/ portamento/ osc Pitch, cut off, pitch mod... write the automation 4 it.. now just flick thru some of the preset sounds and :shock:

