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View Full Version : what's the london techno scene really like?

09-06-2004, 12:39 AM
Coming from Australia, i'm currently under the illusion that England is pretty much the world capital for techno. I'm imagining dozens upon dozens of techno party's every weekend in london. I read about your squat party's (they sound fuk'n maad! :) )

My mate just came back from London. He was there for a year. He loves the squat partys. Every time he went out, people kept tryin to pick his pockets.

The main things i associate with modern England is dance music (all genres), soccer, soccer hooligans, cricket, wimbledon, all the monty python films, comedy in general, the royals (fuuk there on every fukk'n front page every fuuk'n week on every fuuk'n magazine it feels like)

Basically what i'm sayin is to me, England is where it's all happenin though people from England r talkin about the current dillema in England regarding techno party's. :evil:

09-06-2004, 02:51 AM
england seems cool

but id rather check out brasil :)

09-06-2004, 08:23 AM
i'd rather be in OZ :oops: ;) :oops:

09-06-2004, 08:36 AM
london is great. sure if you like techno you'll ALWAYS finnd a party in the capital. and they're very good indeed. but london is not england. in fact, coming from 'up north' i have to say that london is like no other place in the UK and really doesnt represent what's going on musically throughout the country. techno is not 'popular' at all - sure you'll find little pockets of the resistance dotted about every now - these can develop almost cult like followings too. which are very special.

i think brazil is defintely the capital of techno at the moment. mind you no, i'm wrong. nowhere is really the capital. everyone does there own thing and each scene is unique in it's own right. everyone always thinks the grass is greener on the other side dont they ;)

09-06-2004, 09:58 AM
Rog - Not if you like techno!! It is farken dead here...

Paul Zykotik
09-06-2004, 11:33 AM
I dunno, if you want licensed parties London is pretty poor. If you want squat parties you're laughing.

09-06-2004, 11:39 AM
belgium all the way ;) hehe, a very good scene over here :rambo:

but England (good producers+Dj's) and brazil and spain are nice as well, I think...

I've read some nice things about mexico as well... (wild audience)

09-06-2004, 11:48 AM
Rog - Not if you like techno!! It is farken dead here...

dude - i'd be happy liven in Bris'e - just getting up, having a surf.. work.. go home have a bbq and then surf.. ;)

I'd just start big beach partys and f*k the law! :dance:

idea.. huh??? ;)

09-06-2004, 01:27 PM
Do you know of any good techno parties in OZ. I would love to hear some techno but dont really know where it can be heard in Sydney.

Si the Sigh
09-06-2004, 03:00 PM
Its probably better than the techno scene in the country side...



ha ha! :lol:

09-06-2004, 04:05 PM
Its probably better than the techno scene in the country side...



ha ha! :lol:

Si, nice moves :lol:

09-06-2004, 04:38 PM
check the psy trance party pics in the "trance forum!" you'll be amazed what can happen outside for "free!"

but i've always felt techno is industrial as such - so belongs inside warehouses etc.. imo ;)

dan the acid man
09-06-2004, 07:46 PM
lmao, did they hook up the metro's in car speaker's aswell :lol:

09-06-2004, 09:15 PM
the only thing i know of in sydney is SWARM.

check out www.trip2space.com

09-06-2004, 09:20 PM
London has a huge reputaion but it is actually pretty dull for techno right now. And really, musically I would say london is probably behind the rest of the country.
Londoners are lazy to try anything new these days.

09-06-2004, 11:27 PM
yeah u always hear good stories comin out of Belgium regarding techno. Germany seems to b another cool word when it comes to mentioning anything about techno.

G id love to go to Mexico for a tek party. i reckon that would go right off. Im imagining dudes in poncho's, havent had a shave for a week, right off their tits, bullet belts, guns, those mexican hats, no rules......sik!

Melbourne is definitely the place for techno (underground music in general) in Australia. Sydney is a thousand times more commercial.

Si of the Sigh - awesome photo's dude :lol:

09-06-2004, 11:35 PM
i would like to say here that yeah i think there's actually better and more exciting techno developing out of the small scenes throughout the uk, rather than london. but as usual, ppl abroad only look at london. but it's all good. we're all doing our thing eh??????????

Martin Dust
09-06-2004, 11:46 PM
Are you crazy ;) London is buzzing...Outlet Collective, Split, R_V, Werk, Radar,313, Non-Stop DJ's, Haywire, Plaything...the list goes on, loads of good stuff...

10-06-2004, 12:38 AM
Dale's Techno Events at www.sorted.org/london for all the commercial stuff and www.squatjuice.com for the warehouse stuff.

At squat parties generally always keep your wits about you and just don't take anything out with you would mind losing. Get to know the difference between a dodgy pikey and a hippy. but never trust a hippy :lol:

If you are a girl - always stay with people you know=never walk home alone etc.

pretty normal stuff for a big city of nearly 10m people.

Oh and buy Es not K unless you really mean to.

10-06-2004, 12:43 AM
as for london vs.the rest of the world. well london has the volume of nights and some of the quality - it can be world beating

10-06-2004, 02:49 AM
check the psy trance party pics in the "trance forum!" you'll be amazed what can happen outside for "free!"

but i've always felt techno is industrial as such - so belongs inside warehouses etc.. imo ;)

The best vibe I got from a techno party was actually outdoors. Especially the more tribal sub bass driven techno.

10-06-2004, 06:08 AM
Do you know of any good techno parties in OZ. I would love to hear some techno but dont really know where it can be heard in Sydney.

Maaaaaaaate, we are doing a night with DJ Misjah in 2 weeks!!! With all of Sydney's tech hoes and playas there too ;)

As not to hijack the thread too much you can check the info, links and flyers, etc out here (http://www.blackoutaudio.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=209012#209012)

Hope to see you there Evan.. shoot me an email MainlineProductions@hotmail.com

And Sash, I love hearing Melbournite's opinions on Sydney :lol: Have you even been and partied up here at all...? A Swarm party in the sand dunes in Sydney, 1500 freaks going crazy, completely illegal... sounds pretty commercial to me.. hehehe... come and try it out some time, you might be pleasantly suprised! Sydney vs Melbourne is so old hat now.. haha! ;)

10-06-2004, 12:37 PM
At squat parties generally always keep your wits about you and just don't take anything out with you would mind losing. Get to know the difference between a dodgy pikey and a hippy. but never trust a hippy

If you are a girl - always stay with people you know=never walk home alone etc.

Now this is something that gets on my nerves.
All this advice is true, but WHY is it needed in the first place.
WHY should you have to be careful when you are a girl?
WHY should you be careful, of pikeys, and dodgey types?
You used to be able to do what you want and get as trashed as you want or whatever at squat parties. Nowdays, people go to them like they are going to a warzone.

"careful mate, don`t get too mashed, you might end up getting mugged if you do"

My advice, is don`t put up with this shit at all. Don`t go, if there is a danger, DON`T GO.

It`s because people keep going and putting up with all this crap that it still happens, and I am sick of it.

And before anyone passes judgement on me, I know what I am talking about. I ran raves in london for 6 years, and went toe-to-toe, with the crack gangs, had shooters up my nose for trying to keep the gangs out, and serious fights with muggers, scumbags and various other arses trying to ruin the party.

Don`t put up with this crap!! do you see the people running the rigs doing anything about it?

10-06-2004, 12:39 PM
errr, yeah, I get pretty heated about this. :roll:
My life used to revolve around this scene 24-7
But apathy, idiotic drug fiends, gangs, and lack of unity destroyed it. And it turned my life upside down.
and I`ve only seen it get worse.

10-06-2004, 12:42 PM
It`s because people keep going and putting up with all this crap that it still happens, and I am sick of it.


I think DB is dead right. Why would you want to go to something that sounds as ropey as that.

10-06-2004, 12:59 PM
there's also Tampered in sydney which is more on the wonky/ghetto tip... They've had DJ Urban there before, we did also try to get Ibrahim Alfa over there but that one went pear shaped...
hopefully will be returning there myself at the end of the year.....

10-06-2004, 01:02 PM
and on topic, London is cool if you're up for the squat party thing, but personally I think the scene in Germany pisses on what we have in the UK...

10-06-2004, 01:43 PM
and on topic, London is cool if you're up for the squat party thing, but personally I think the scene in Germany pisses on what we have in the UK...

Germs have all sorts of dj's:::
when i replied i didn't have seen til the end.

10-06-2004, 01:52 PM
At squat parties generally always keep your wits about you and just don't take anything out with you would mind losing. Get to know the difference between a dodgy pikey and a hippy. but never trust a hippy

If you are a girl - always stay with people you know=never walk home alone etc.

Now this is something that gets on my nerves.
All this advice is true, but WHY is it needed in the first place.
WHY should you have to be careful when you are a girl?
WHY should you be careful, of pikeys, and dodgey types?

Okay - don't go out anywhere unless you have a policeman holding your hand :neutral:

The Overfiend
10-06-2004, 02:11 PM
At squat parties generally always keep your wits about you and just don't take anything out with you would mind losing. Get to know the difference between a dodgy pikey and a hippy. but never trust a hippy

If you are a girl - always stay with people you know=never walk home alone etc.

Now this is something that gets on my nerves.
All this advice is true, but WHY is it needed in the first place.
WHY should you have to be careful when you are a girl?
WHY should you be careful, of pikeys, and dodgey types?

Okay - don't go out anywhere unless you have a policeman holding your hand :neutral:

That's not what he's saying, it's more of a get in where you fit in thing. If you can't hold your own or feel threatened then don't go.
But don't make the generalization that all parties are a crack house with a soundtrack. Because obviously Steve's lost a lil knuckle juice standin' up to the scum of society.

Jonny you're such a witty one, don't make me spank your hand with a ruler. :neutral:

10-06-2004, 03:04 PM
Some of the maddest squat parties i went to were in the so called 'Pest House' in Leiden, holland before it .. er... burned down...

What about eastern europe though??? is that not a hive of techno activity.. ?

11-06-2004, 01:04 AM
methodixxx - yeah i gotta get up to Sydney n party 4 sure. I gotta stop watchin that Pizza show. Probably given me a false impression of what Sydney is really like ;)

Saw Misjah last year at Teriyaki. The second half of his set was farkn mind blowin!

11-06-2004, 12:31 PM
wooo - this thread took a sharp change - BUT i agree with what has generally being said - its a shame we now live in a country where people have to "fear things!" :crackup:

Sh*t i never go out on the lash in town - as i know some useless di*k sh*t will want some kind of "beef" with me.. why??? fu*kt if i know - GET A LIFE! :rambo:

and the comment about the a policeman holding ya hand - ne need to be slly huh?! :neutral:

11-06-2004, 10:48 PM
Jonny you're such a witty one, don't make me spank your hand with a ruler. :neutral:

okay dad. will play nicely.

