View Full Version : problems with reason!

23-03-2005, 04:27 PM
ok so i get the sound which i like with reason but the problem is when i export it to loop or song..well it gets so bad & so diffrent i tried compressors in reason & export it again but they just wont help,i just want to get original sound from reason to wav but i cant !!! anyone could help me ?plz? :doh:

23-03-2005, 05:05 PM
if you rewire into ableton or cubase it should sound better, just get rid of reasons mixer and wire all the units into the midi thing at the top. either that or you could try recording whatevers coming through your soundcard at the time.

23-03-2005, 05:15 PM
am not sure if that would help because i have lots of stuff BEFORE mixer compressors,vocoders,spider audio.. :cry:

Craig McW
23-03-2005, 09:44 PM
Reson is notorious for sounding one within the program, and another when exported. Unless you use Cubase or some such program to enhance the sounds it's fairly useless.

That said I use Reason, but I rewire to cubase and it sounds brilliant.
