View Full Version : Sidechain solution

John Ferraris
27-03-2005, 09:47 PM
hey, found this on the DOA forum, thought with recent threads on sidechaining u guys might find it useful:

p.s. these aren't my words

"1. start a new project and create 3 tracks - a kick drum, a subbass and a STEREO group channel

2. Insert the Waves C1 sc into the stereo group

3. pan the kick hard left and the bass hard right

4. route the kick and the bass channel to the stereo group

5. open the Waves C1 sc, and set KEY Mode to L>R
now the kick is "gone", your bass should only play on the right side.

6. to bring your bass back to the center open the mixer and RIGHT-CLICK on the PAN fader of the STEREO GROUP.
there are three options, one gets the desired result (and i forgot which one ). you'll see two panning faders there, just put them BOTH to the center. just try until you find the right option, if you get this working the hard part is done.

7. open the Waves C1 sc and lower the treshhold to -30db.

8. pull up the ratio and see how the gain reduction meter starts pumping to the 4x4 groove of your kick. you're almost there.

9. but now you wanna hear your kick again, right? create a new mono group, then go to your kick channel and SEND it to this group.
That's it!"

27-03-2005, 10:15 PM
i think everyone hear has doen that im afriad :( i have a lots of problems
with it because it means you only have the bass coming out one channel
and your compressing the bass one one chan with the louder kick
ont he other chan... thanks for the effort though :cool:

28-03-2005, 04:52 AM
or better still, find a new way to make music do intersting things.

28-03-2005, 07:33 AM
yeah, saw that on that forum as well and was wandering whether to post it...

nice one, this should be mde a sticky.

28-03-2005, 08:16 AM
ive just been automating the volume instead

29-03-2005, 11:22 AM
using some different effect than C1 could help... TC comp+sidechainer is doing it perfectly imo.

i was trying to figure some solid sidechain kick + bass + rest of track but couldn't do it with C1...don't know..

Digital Kid
29-03-2005, 08:48 PM
Or even better just use Native Instruments sidechainer and compressor.

The easy way.

Barely Human
30-03-2005, 12:15 AM
Or even more better, use Fruity and sidechain anything to anything ;) :cool:
