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View Full Version : hardware automation (jp8080 + cubase sx2)

08-04-2005, 12:31 PM
how do i go about getting an effect (filter) controlled automatictly from cubase (can do so with a regular VSTi).
i know CC numbers are involved (in this case 74) & controller lanes? but that's about it...

08-04-2005, 01:03 PM
if your midi is contected up right just hit record on cubase and tweak your machine till your hearts content.

i dont use sx but i sure someone can explain better :oops:

13-04-2005, 08:29 PM
soz, gotta bump this, cos i've still not sorted it.

can anyone shed some light on this?

I want to control a filter cut off on a jp8080, from Cubase SX2...
if the instrument was a VSTi, i would play the track, click the W button on the VSTi, filddle with the filter cut off (or what ever), stop the track, de-click the W button, click the R button then go and tidy up the automation in the "Instruments/VSTi_Name/filter_cut_off_freq" lane.

so, how would i set up a similar lane for the jp8080? (if that's the right kinda thing)



13-04-2005, 09:20 PM
let me try again

right if i was doing this using cubase 5 (cause thats what i stiil use)

1. make sure the jp is contected with the midi out going to the pc and the midi in coming from the pc

2.create a track for it in cubase again makeing sure the midi settings on the jp and cubase track match
you can see if it set up right when you tweek a knob and get a midi in message on the control bar

3. select the track you have just set and up write in a pattern

4.on the same track again hit record in cubase and tweak your sound

and it should then record the midi info from the knob that you have been turning

cant imagine it will be too much different in sx

13-04-2005, 09:54 PM
1. make sure the jp is contected with the midi out going to the pc and the midi in coming from the pc


2.create a track for it in cubase again makeing sure the midi settings on the jp and cubase track match
you can see if it set up right when you tweek a knob and get a midi in message on the control bar


3. select the track you have just set and up write in a pattern


4.on the same track again hit record in cubase and tweak your sound


and it should then record the midi info from the knob that you have been turning

nnnice ;)

sorted - a catalogue:
had nord lead 1 connected to midi out of jp8080, then midi out of nord lead1 to midi in of s/c
so removed the nord and direct connect jp8080 out to s/c in...
then connected pulsar's shit up properly... :oops:
then i woz getting loads of odd shit happening on the jp8080, like notes getting repeated? so then i turned of the midi-thru :roll:
but i'm away :clap:

cheers b!

one thing tho - should i be able to keep the nord lead 1 in the chain?

thx again.

13-04-2005, 10:36 PM
yea man

just make sure there are no midi channels clashing

jp midi ch1
nord ch2-5

something like that
