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View Full Version : compression tips for that pumping sound...

28-04-2005, 01:35 PM
trying to find that elusive "pumping" sound?
try this:

route kick and bass to a mono fx track
insert a compressor on the fx track (i use the regular cubase dynamics jobby)
ratio = 8:1
release = 200ms
attack = 5ms
threshold = 0db (so compressor is doing nothing at the moment)

turn threshold down until you have -3 to -4db reduction showing on the gain redution lights.

turn up the make up gain for the loss of level - compare the original with the compresed - you must get the right level, as a louder level will normally sound better anyway, so the uncompressed and compressed signals output should be same.

turn compressor off, listen for 5/10 seconds, turn compressor on, listen for 5/10 seconds - hear a differnence? when compressed, the kick and bass should gel together.

now starting playing with the release parameter - shortening it will make the bass pump more, lengthing the release time will make the pumping less so....(think that's the right way round, doing all this from memory)

the other parameters are not set in stone and may need adjusting, but these are good values to begin with.

hope this helps some people out!
