View Full Version : FRANK BIAZZI

26-06-2005, 03:45 AM
anyone else into this guys muisc. just recently i have been playing a lot of his stuff and its quality! ....LUPP 20...i know this maybe a few months old, but ****ing hell, what quality, all 3 tracks are wikid! definately gonna be looking out for his stuff!

26-06-2005, 04:28 AM
He did one on Invasion a few months back which is defo worth a listen.

26-06-2005, 11:26 AM
yeah hes well good

28-06-2005, 11:36 AM
We Tried to book him a while back but he's in danger of losing his hearing completely :cry:

He was hoping he'd be able to organise some sort of live set and somehow that wouldn't be as harsh on his ears but unfortuneately that has went tits up too..

Max Walder (Also on Lupp) is a top producer too and is 70% blind...He came over and played for us and really is a fantatstic DJ, he was awesome, especially considering while in the club he could see virtually nothing at all!

28-06-2005, 05:46 PM
bloody hell, fair play to the guy.

as for F Biazzi, no wonder his hearing is going, he doesnt half twist up his break downs and takes the frequencies to the highest point(lfo/pitch/reverb/delay, etc...), sounds ace though!

28-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Biazzi done the track that had like a Forklift sample in it ? Turbulance ?

almost identical track came out on Hydraulix around the same time ?

anyone know what i'm talking about ?

28-06-2005, 08:23 PM
Quite like Biazzi's style. Some of his stuff can be samey samey, but used in moderation his tracks are ace! Usually has some nice proper groove in his productions!

28-06-2005, 10:55 PM
Biazzi done the track that had like a Forklift sample in it ? Turbulance ?

almost identical track came out on Hydraulix around the same time ?

anyone know what i'm talking about ?

Yeah..Frank Biazzi - Turbulence

I always preferred Hydraulix 13.2 though :rambo:

28-06-2005, 10:56 PM
Meant to say actually..He's still producing, Just can't go near clubs really anymore...

Imagine writing stuff like that then not getting to play it out!

29-06-2005, 01:06 AM
Biazzi done the track that had like a Forklift sample in it ? Turbulance ?

almost identical track came out on Hydraulix around the same time ?

anyone know what i'm talking about ?

Yeah..Frank Biazzi - Turbulence

I always preferred Hydraulix 13.2 though :rambo:

i like (and own) both.. its great having them both. you can play the same track with a different sound in different sets :lol:

29-06-2005, 01:07 AM
btw, do u know which one was out first ?

29-06-2005, 01:16 PM
We Tried to book him a while back but he's in danger of losing his hearing completely :cry:

He was hoping he'd be able to organise some sort of live set and somehow that wouldn't be as harsh on his ears but unfortuneately that has went tits up too..

Max Walder (Also on Lupp) is a top producer too and is 70% blind...He came over and played for us and really is a fantatstic DJ, he was awesome, especially considering while in the club he could see virtually nothing at all!

God, that's pretty full on. Be like hurting your back I suppose if ya do manual work. How frustrating must that be?

29-06-2005, 01:50 PM
btw, do u know which one was out first ?

not sure, great tunes though, im sure this could'nt have been done on purpose, the sample/synth is far to simular.....wierd ah?

29-06-2005, 02:06 PM
According to Discogs...

Tubulence was released April 2002 and Hydraulix 13.2 was August 2003.

However it also notes that the tune on Hydraulix was previously out on xyrys. The only 2 eps that were released on xyrys by the guy who done the track (Guy called Ben aka milanel) were released in 1999 and 2000.

So i'd reckon that one was around first.
