View Full Version : Dean Rodell @ jakn this month....

05-08-2005, 11:12 AM
just incase some of u miss our post in the promotion section, i thought
ud like to know the following, maybe this will get some of u north of the
boarder...and if so, let us know and we'll sort uz out with paying guestlist
to garantee you entry....wouldnt want people traveling from miles
away to get here only to get knocked bak for wot ever reasons...

Ive just been informed by the man Dean Rodell that the set he will
be performing for us is going to be totally exclusive par a few tracks plus
he is going to be leaning on the harder side of things for this one...


gumpy green
05-08-2005, 11:34 AM
nope defo not......dean better be ready with those elbows..... ;) ;)

05-08-2005, 12:34 PM
Am there.

First time in ages I'll have been out, too.

Haven't been idle, though, been working on this 'enemy' stuff (still!), just want to work it till it sounds like pain. It get's closer by the day.... :twisted:

's easy enough to bang out some hardcore, but that's not really what it's about. Some of the stuff is VERY slow. I just want to make different sounding stuff for it, with more of an eerie soundtrack feel over a club vibe..... "The sound from the end of the world"

Getting to feel a little like a hermit out here in the Styx. Mr.Nut, we gotta do them CBTz so's we can get some mad max shit happening out our way ?

Huh ? HUH ?[/i]

gumpy green
05-08-2005, 01:56 PM
's easy enough to bang out some hardcore, but that's not really what it's about. Some of the stuff is VERY slow. I just want to make different sounding stuff for it, with more of an eerie soundtrack feel over a club vibe..... "The sound from the end of the world"

Getting to feel a little like a hermit out here in the Styx. Mr.Nut, we gotta do them CBTz so's we can get some mad max shit happening out our way ?

Huh ? HUH ?[/i]

sounds right up my street kido'.

me luvs ma doomy gloomy stuff but that cause im a miserable cunt.
