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13-09-2005, 10:19 PM
Don't you just feel that this is such an exciting time for our music?

For example:

There's ppl getting all serious and forward thinking cause they realise sales are really bad and they're all trying to find new ways to get our music out there. Then again, there's the new school that are allowed to produce on a simple home comp instead of having a 20000 quid studio and are putting so many new ideas into things (granted we need quality control but i'm liking the idea that we have a raw talent thing going on). There's so much difference happening right now and I'm sooooooooo loving it.

It's like the industry has been turned on it's head and those that dont really care are dropping like flys. Those that stick with this will shape the whoole industry right now.

Respect to all of you with a serious love for this in these hard times - good things come to those who wait I'm sure!!! :)

13-09-2005, 10:23 PM
christ mark
can i have some of what you're on?

13-09-2005, 10:28 PM

red wine anyone? :doh: :lol: :lol: :lol:

13-09-2005, 10:30 PM
Wild Hog Pinot Noir, thank you.

13-09-2005, 10:31 PM
Well I am just happy to be coming into the game. It's nice to hear that someone who is and has been successful doesn't mind seeing some of us new cats around. I know that some of the old fogies don't like it. :lol:

Really looking forward to good things, hopefully that is what happens for everyone.

And thank God for my computer. I don't have 20,000 Quid to build a studio.

Now as for sales being bad, I still think there has to be some way to catch the interest of the general public. There is a huge market out there that I don't think has been touched. At least not here in the US.

13-09-2005, 10:33 PM
I'm positive about the future too. As much as people complain, it can't get much worse than now. It's the end of an era, but the beginning of a new one. I just hope many of the producers out there who have been prevented (through industry problems) in getting their music out as they used to, haven't lost heart completely, and find the spirit to continue.

I think producers in general though, need to think a lot harder about what they put out, and respect the market by putting out the very best they can, rather than the latest 3 or 4 tracks they made.

dan the acid man
13-09-2005, 11:18 PM
yeah, i think its going to be good now alot of people are channeling their efforts in getting techno out of the hole its in now

13-09-2005, 11:29 PM

14-09-2005, 12:36 AM
I must agree with you Mark.
Being the buyer at Wax Addict for the past 2 years, I have seen quite a change in numerous things.


It is flourishing.

I know I am happy.

14-09-2005, 05:36 AM
Don't you just feel that this is such an exciting time for our music?

For example:

There's ppl getting all serious and forward thinking cause they realise sales are really bad and they're all trying to find new ways to get our music out there. Then again, there's the new school that are allowed to produce on a simple home comp instead of having a 20000 quid studio and are putting so many new ideas into things (granted we need quality control but i'm liking the idea that we have a raw talent thing going on). There's so much difference happening right now and I'm sooooooooo loving it.

It's like the industry has been turned on it's head and those that dont really care are dropping like flys. Those that stick with this will shape the whoole industry right now.

Respect to all of you with a serious love for this in these hard times - good things come to those who wait I'm sure!!! :)

let's hope people are going to get off their duffs like you man

14-09-2005, 08:51 AM
To me it feels like techno as an industry is moving into a more mature domain these days and is losing it's frenzied edge that I remember from when I first started getting involved, or maybe I'm just getting old.

I'm looking forward to a far more global outlook to the market than currently exists, I'm getting fed up looking or records and finding all the good stuff is only getting released in Germany where it'll cost an arm and a leg to ship. Or those genious EP's coming out on some label or other that never seem to be anywhere you look for them.

As for the production side of things I think as always the scene is moving kind of sideways. The old guard are still maintaining their high level of production values, new people are coming through pushing a whole new ethic of production down us from the stunning to the terrible and there will always be those people passing off their tat as top with a cheap production value.

The question as always is a firm what's next, will the digital vinyl process pioneered by FS and now beaten by Serate become a fuly fledged industry standard and how long is this process going to take? As always it's filtering down from the top as these are the artists with the most financal clout to invest in the best and spend the time learning.

14-09-2005, 06:02 PM
As long as im making stuff i like and hearing the stuff i class as techno being produced by people who I see care about the things that I care about then im a happy man.
If somone is doing something different to the vibe that i am looking for then good luck to them it lets me discover and explore what I want and im happy knowing that other sounds are being taken care of by sombody who cares and loves other sounds and vibes.

Not sure what the fu*k im on about like and I tend not to talk shit with a straight head usualy.
But yeah theres good things happening from the angle im looking from.

14-09-2005, 06:27 PM
As long as im making stuff i like and hearing the stuff i class as techno being produced by people who I see care about the things that I care about then im a happy man.

same as myself. im in early stages as far as my input to the cause, but as long as im paying my way, building a studio and a portfolio of tracks that im happy with, im happy as larry.

and everyone knows larrys the man!

14-09-2005, 06:36 PM
just another note.... as a newbie.....

the future is something that i look at with a confused face , but i always find it very refreshing to see the old school heads speaking with loads of enthusiasm for the future. true passion!

so fair play MarkEG, big up yo'self!

14-09-2005, 08:06 PM
Here...make music like a "pro". Free program..it's really amazing!


Look at that...I can't even make a link work.

15-09-2005, 05:29 AM
The techno scene caught cancer from the mainstream as a sreult of, after years of rebelion, unknowingly (yeah, right) becoming that which they hated and, thus, catching the disease. DEATH TO MY FRIENDS!

15-09-2005, 08:13 AM
During the last few months a number of German online stores, which have often been a benchmark, have seen big sale slumps. One in particular still holds 85 per cent of stock ordered in during August.

16-09-2005, 07:49 AM
I agree Mark. I too have moments where I see great new things happening and then when I think about it, the music and theme that excites me at the moment are things from unknown "next-gen" producers/DJs/Acts. Considering all the changes in formats and styles emerging it is slowly coming back into focus.

The lack of financial elements from techno means that you end up getting the most dedicated still doing it (considering quality and the natural time taken to get to this quality).

Remaining true to the pioneering spirit and frontier of this music is the best thing its got to offer. If you can spin a dollar or two, great!!, but that is not what its really about. The results of this mentality are what is being seen out there now which are turning things upside down.

The music I am listening to now is the best ever - and it isnt mainstream or commercially released.....its mostly from people on this forum and some producers etc in OZ.

16-09-2005, 04:27 PM
like Mark said , good things come to those who wait ...
and i would add .... to those who are more/most persistant

17-09-2005, 06:32 AM
Think much of what I'd say here's been said. I'm loving it. I'm loving the dedication of people who do it for the love of music. And I'm loving that In my own little way I'm inputting into something big and great. And that there are so many people who don't care about money and fame as long as they (like me) can get out occasionally and make people DANCE!

18-09-2005, 07:15 PM
There will always be a natrual fluidity to the scene, it's the nature of that beautiful beast we call techno-sure we can hark back to this that and the other but by it's very nature it is going to evolve, some may like a certain direction others not, but the fact that it is evolving is the most important thing
we can get all post-structuralist and seek the "meaning" of techno, but in reality there are so many inter-referential meanings in "techno" that it becomes a self defeating exercise....listen to the music mmmmmaaaaannnnn!
