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DJ Corbzy
08-07-2003, 11:38 PM
Yes it's nearly time....11 days til my first set....

and I'M SHITTING IT!! :(

Anyone got any tips etc to get me through without cocking up?

Anyone know of any drugs that stop you shaking and calm you down? :)

09-07-2003, 12:19 AM
My tips go... have a good nights sleep, dress confortably (and fresh if needed), no drugs / alchool (at least b4 the set.. IMHO)... most importantly what ever the club situation make sure u enjoy every bit of what u r doing.. if u can have fun it will translate!!


09-07-2003, 12:20 AM
PS - eat well .. kĀ«othing 2 heavy or undigestive..


09-07-2003, 12:40 AM
get the person b4 you to run through the mixer if you have never used it b4 so you know where everything is - monitor/headphone vol etc

Im deaf as a post so I always need it LOUD hahahha

pick a mix to start with that you know well -

then just go with the flow & enjoy it :D

DJ Corbzy
09-07-2003, 12:48 AM
cheers people! :D

09-07-2003, 12:56 AM
just have fun.

09-07-2003, 06:40 PM
Once you're on m8 you'll be fine, just relax.

Make sure the monitor is on is probably the most helpful advice I can give.

09-07-2003, 06:44 PM
like someone else said start with a mix or two that you are familiar with relax and enjoy it

09-07-2003, 08:28 PM
If you do that you risk missing the point you usually mix from and then that can mess your first mix up, not leaving you much confidence for the rest of the set. I've seen this happen before, a couple of times actually. My advice would be to not plan anything, just go with the crowd.

DJ Corbzy
09-07-2003, 10:57 PM
good point voorheez, but i am defo gonna plan mate, would be shitting it if i didnt :D

09-07-2003, 11:20 PM
Yeah enjoy it man. When u see everyone else going mental aswell u will feel alot more relaxed. Good luck m8

DJ Corbzy
09-07-2003, 11:24 PM
Cheers mate :D

10-07-2003, 12:44 AM
i can remeber my first ever dj set in front of a crowd like it was yesterday - unfortunately things have totally changed since the early 80's hehehehe - but i still say to you this:

head up, be confident, believe in yourself. treat it like any other day of the week. don't let the moment swallow you up. if you've done your homework and have a mission behind what you're doing, this should be no problem.

good luck mate.

DJ Corbzy
10-07-2003, 01:28 AM
cheers mate!

getting advice from yourself on this matter is insprirational mate.... :D

happy bunny now :D :D :D

Barely Human
10-07-2003, 01:57 PM
Make sure the monitor is on is probably the most helpful advice I can give.

Hahahaha, deffo a good point! :D

10-07-2003, 02:04 PM
Mate my first set was a complete disaster, the monitors were totally shit and were in the other corner of the room. Basically there were no monitors and I did way too much base, train tracked about 10 times, sorry this isn't helping much, er don't do any drugs is my advise and don't worry about the shaky hands thing iiiitttttt gggoooess affffterrr aaa whhiiille

DJ Corbzy
10-07-2003, 02:13 PM

I dont think I will be doing any drugs mate....apparently you can get very reliant on them if you carry on using them whilst playing... :?

Monitors are on the right side for me at Volts too, and there right next to ya, heard from a few DJ's that it's real nice to mix down there.

Thing is they got this gash mixer with no gains, only channels, hi and lo eq's that dont work very well, and a limiter...3 red lights and most of the 5k system cuts out! :shock:

Better not red line my mixes then innit......... :twisted:

10-07-2003, 02:22 PM
Have you got any mixes I can listen to then Corbz? What time are you playing? Is this Voltz in Exeter or Voltz in Blandford?

DJ Corbzy
10-07-2003, 02:32 PM
I havent got any on the pc mate, got a few on Minidisc...

This is Volts in Exeter mate....


DJ Corbzy
10-07-2003, 02:33 PM
dont know what time I'm playing either....I think it's about 11ish?

10-07-2003, 02:39 PM
11 o'clock slot nice one

10-07-2003, 04:32 PM
if its volts in blandford I played there when it was g-spot .... good clear system & good accoustics in the room

you 'll have no probs :D :D

10-07-2003, 04:43 PM
stay calm, take a few deep breaths and then just go for it!
try and pretend that your back at home, as if it was just a normal session on the decks...'cept when you look up and out, instead of seeing wall, you'll see lots of smiley bouncing ppl!
have a good one mate, you will be fine...remeber to enjoy yourself, dont stress it if something goes wrong, forget it and move onto the next tune.

10-07-2003, 05:20 PM
i went to adrenalin at the g-spot. the monitors should be good there. no worrys!

if i gave advice m8, it would be don't get too carried away and play all ur serverely banging stuff too early

DJ Corbzy
10-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Dont really have any severely banging stuff mate :D

Trancin It 8)

10-07-2003, 09:12 PM
Make sure the monitor is on is probably the most helpful advice I can give.

Hahahaha, deffo a good point! :D

LOL - It might sound funny, but i've played in a club before and done it! A fcuk off massive monitor next to me and I didn't have it on!

11-07-2003, 08:11 AM
Yeah the old g spot had quite a good sound system with the dj looking down on the crowd. F*** used to get wrecked in them days. 15 of us in a transit van off our heads. Ah not like it used to be is it

Luke Revival
13-07-2003, 12:44 PM
i can remeber my first ever dj set in front of a crowd like it was yesterday - unfortunately things have totally changed since the early 80's hehehehe - but i still say to you this:

head up, be confident, believe in yourself. treat it like any other day of the week. don't let the moment swallow you up. if you've done your homework and have a mission behind what you're doing, this should be no problem.

good luck mate.

Best advice...My first set was @ the void dogz bollox and it was rammed. Me and my mate were on at 12:15 to 1:30...Felt nervous before going on but as soon as you let go of the tune you'll forget about any nerves!
If you smoke tho make sure you have lots of cigs...my mate smoked 8 in 45 minutes!

DJ Corbzy
13-07-2003, 01:08 PM
yeah I'm a nicotine boy, better get a 20 deck in for the set innit :D :D

13-07-2003, 09:26 PM
ive heard ur mixing corbz.... and if i was you.... yea id be shitting it as well!! haha only joking mate.

U'll be fine mate, ur mixing come on really well and really ****ing quick! Just enjoy it mate... its whats its all about mate!

Shame i wont be there to see ya mate... :(

DJ Corbzy
13-07-2003, 11:04 PM
I can't wait!!! :D

14-07-2003, 01:08 PM
good luck corbzy mate. i would come down to volts and see you play out, but i'm going NASS festival so i'll be getting pissed right up and watching loads of skater dudes all weekend!
i'm sure it'll go down a storm mate.

14-07-2003, 01:29 PM
are you sure your mum will let you out past 12:00 :lol:

15-07-2003, 02:48 PM
yeah good luck, i played my first set about 2 months ago, in a pub and there was only about 20/30 people there but it didnt stop the nerves, i was nervous to start with but as the set went on the nerves began to dissapear, your concentration should take over the nerves.

its also hard when your playing quality trance in a pub on a wednesday on a council estate, with no one dancing, the audience i was playing in front of was waiting for alice deejay to kick in, but when im about that shit aint gonner happen, just to piss em off i played a funky techno set the month after. anyway good look mate, and dont resort to alice deejay please!!!!

DJ Corbzy
15-07-2003, 11:34 PM
Here's my set listing I'm planning...

DJ Saray - Deeper
Marcos - La Proxima Parada (Digital Pressure Mix)
DJ Subsonic - Devotion (Wavetraxx Mix)
DJ Subsonic - Time Traveller (Wavetraxx Mix)
Skysurfer - Colors
Deluxe DJ Team - Anesthesia
Marko Nastic - Devil in my Pants
Andreas Kramer - Himmelsfeger
Jon The Baptist - Insomnia (PRO-T.O.N. Mix)
JS Ten - Nature

What ya reckon peeps? :D

16-07-2003, 07:55 PM
nice tune selection, sounds good

DJ Corbzy
16-07-2003, 07:59 PM
Cheers Man! :wink:

eyes without a face
17-07-2003, 09:59 PM
my first set was in a club called Manipulate, in Wales. Me and my Dj partner played the first ever nite, and i had the end set. i was quite nervous because we got their b4 the club even opened to check the place out and i was hanging around for hours. my mate played a blinder, then so did the Dj after him. i got on and my first mix went well, there were a few hundred people there and everything fell into place quite nicely. played some wikid tracks including Weather (speedy J remix), couple of Ade Fenton records, Manipulated etc. got my set cut short tho by about 20 mins which was a bit of a shitter, had some bloke trying to talk over my last tune aswell so i just unplugged his mic and took it off him. cheeky get.

my most succesful gig to date was @ ELATE in Liverpool. Played under the name Organisation with my dj partner Bren Long, and we were the main guests, they had Technasia the month b4 so we had alot to do as the Technasia nite was spot on, it went off! but luckily so did our nite, Bren usually plays b4 me as he is a bit funkier, then i follow with teh banging stuff. there were about 350 people there, the club has a similar layout to Orbit, the Dj booth was at the top of the ceiling so everyone was below. superb. i had a copy off D-Clash months b4 its release off Dj C1 and when i dropped it the place went mad.

nothing beats playing a quality gig
