View Full Version : Reformatting pc and adding hardrive meme help!

06-10-2005, 12:31 PM
Getting WIN XP for my pc (On WIN ME at moment) soon so i can finally use itunes for my ipod. Never reformatted a pc before so help would be grateful. Ive backed all my programes already.

I also got some new hard drive memory fro my pc. Should I add this before reformatting?

11-10-2005, 09:34 PM
a new harddrive (ie a new big chuncky disk to save your work) or new RAM memory (smallish and thin sticks)?

if you are adding new hardware but dont know what you are doing - probably best to find a friend who does rather than run the risk of damaging your pc.

as for formatting, Windows XP instillation should walk you through it as long as you remember NOT to choose upgrade.
