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View Full Version : rigs.....

20-11-2005, 09:31 AM
anyone got any pointers for buyin a rig? been lookin around the web a bit and gettin some idea for how much i need to be spending but im not sure exactly what i need. lookin to get bout 5k or so. im presuming that'd be 2 or 4xbass bins, 2xmids, 2xtops, 2xmonitors, and an amp or two, or three..... any advice would be greatly appreciated. as in what makes are really good/crap, what to look out for and avoid like the plague etc....


Rob :)

01-12-2005, 01:34 PM
for what you mention there you are going to need either a huge amp to run your 4 bass bins or at least two 2.4k amps.

same again to run your tops/mids.

an active crossover. shit loads of speakon cables and xlr's
if your doing outside parties you will also need at least 7 or 8kva of generators.

thats just for starters.

have a look on ebay. you often get good bassbins on there. (precision devices are the bollox)

behringer do a 2.4k power amp at the moment for under £200 aswell. i got a couple of them and they seem pretty good. a mate recomended them whos used them for a few years with no problems.

01-12-2005, 07:07 PM
cheers man. been thinkin bout goin for some turbo sound bits, prolly cost a fair whack but i dont see the point in havin a rig unless the sound quality is excellent. ill check out the precision devices tho... i saw someone with one of those behringer amps, sounded pretty good.... the search continues. saw a couple of fat rigs on ebay but all of em in the states. :(

01-12-2005, 08:01 PM
depends how much your prepared to spend mate.

beware. its never ending.

02-12-2005, 09:04 AM
ye i noticed you can spend quite alot. and if i start spending on sound equipment with the same enthusiasm that i buy records im in very serious trouble. hehe :)

05-12-2005, 03:05 PM
check this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Kray-Speakers-EAW-Turbosound-JBL-Peavey-EV_W0QQitemZ7372335401QQcategoryZ23794QQrdZ1QQcmdZ ViewItem
