View Full Version : 1 comp w lots redution or several comps with small redution

03-08-2003, 04:22 PM
Imagine u have a track with some huge resonably long peaks how would u compress it ... use one mf comp setting or use several comps each one with a small redution setting..

(finding peaks in an editor and gain reduce' em wouldn't work)...

i would say several peak comp. with small redutions each work better with out becoming noticeable.. especially cause soft. will give ya such little distortion and noise compared 2 hardware...


J Swift
03-08-2003, 06:12 PM
Peak.. like more than a few seconds long?
Sounds like you need a dynamic threshold compressor - Not actually too sure whether they're available in software yet.
You can always get into parameter programming and program threshold changes to change along with the music, but I'm no expert on that! Would possibly be easier in tracker software.

03-08-2003, 07:17 PM
several most def.

04-08-2003, 02:09 AM
J nice tip, I've used automating thresholds a few times but it can b a bit of overwork... but my question was more towards advantages and cons of use 1 vs several comps...

Thankz m8,


PS - BTW can U gimme some nices of dynamic threshold hardware ? :)
