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View Full Version : Steven Gerrard - Interview (his thoughts on henry & lamp

17-01-2006, 05:07 PM
You seem much happier in yourself on the football pitch this year. Is this the happiest you've been playing football?

"I don't know if it's the happiest I've been but yes, it is true I'm really enjoying my football at the moment. I've a clear mind and just fully focused on doing the job for the team and everything's going well at the minute."

How does it feel to walk out at Anfield every week knowing 45,000 fans absolutely adore you?

"Not just Anfield but every time I walk out for Liverpool, whether it's home or away. I do enjoy playing at Anfield more than any other stadium because of the noise and the fans. It's a special thing.
I look forward to the home games more than the others but every time I put on the armband and lead the team out, there's no better buzz.

When you were a child did you ever think that you would be as successful as you've turned out to be?

"No, I don't think so. When I was a kid and playing in the Centre of Excellence, the dream was just to try and play for Liverpool even if it was just once - never mind close to 300 times. So yes, I'm really happy and things are happening to me that I could never of dreamed of."

If Liverpool could sign one player and you could choose that player, who would you pick?

"It's a difficult question because there are so many top players out there. Some are not available though and I wouldn't like to cause any trouble in the media by saying I'd love a certain player but if we were to have Thierry Henry in our team, I think we'd be a lot better."

When was the moment you actually thought we could win in Istanbul?

"I think when it was 3-2 and when the equalizer went in I started to believe we could win it. At 3-1 and 3-2 we were still playing for pride and just trying to improve on the first half performance. But when the equalizer went in and there was still some time left, there was a belief there that maybe we could sneak a fourth."

If you had to choose between Liverpool winning the Premiership this season and England winning the World Cup, what would you choose?

"I'd love to win them both but obviously being the captain of the team, I'd love to deliver the Premiership for the boys. It's a difficult question because it's like picking one of your kids if you've got two kids! It's a very difficult question. It's the same as being asked [to choose between winning] the Champions League again this year or the league? It's an impossible question to answer. Being as hungry as I am, I'd like to win the three of them."

Like every kid did you play as a striker in the playground or have you always been a midfielder?

"[I played] everywhere really. I tried everywhere - defence, midfield and up front. I think that's why I don't do a bad job in all those positions now because when I was a kid I tried them all. I enjoy playing anywhere just so long as I have the ball."

Who is better: Stevie G or Frank Lampard?

(Laughs) "It's another impossible question! I think that although we play the same position, we are slightly different in the way we play. It's still a compliment to be compared to Frank because he's a wonderful player and it's a pleasure to play alongside him but it's a question I wouldn't like to answer."

18-01-2006, 08:17 AM
Where was this interview from?

Esox Lucius
18-01-2006, 09:12 AM
You seem much happier in yourself on the football pitch this year. Is this the happiest you've been playing football?

"I don't know if it's the happiest I've been but yes, it is true I'm really enjoying my football at the moment. I've a clear mind and just fully focused on doing the job for the team and everything's going well at the minute."

How does it feel to walk out at Anfield every week knowing 45,000 fans absolutely adore you?

"Not just Anfield but every time I walk out for Liverpool, whether it's home or away. I do enjoy playing at Anfield more than any other stadium because of the noise and the fans. It's a special thing.
I look forward to the home games more than the others but every time I put on the armband and lead the team out, there's no better buzz.

When you were a child did you ever think that you would be as successful as you've turned out to be?

"No, I don't think so. When I was a kid and playing in the Centre of Excellence, the dream was just to try and play for Liverpool even if it was just once - never mind close to 300 times. So yes, I'm really happy and things are happening to me that I could never of dreamed of."

If Liverpool could sign one player and you could choose that player, who would you pick?

"It's a difficult question because there are so many top players out there. Some are not available though and I wouldn't like to cause any trouble in the media by saying I'd love a certain player but if we were to have Thierry Henry in our team, I think we'd be a lot better."

When was the moment you actually thought we could win in Istanbul?

"I think when it was 3-2 and when the equalizer went in I started to believe we could win it. At 3-1 and 3-2 we were still playing for pride and just trying to improve on the first half performance. But when the equalizer went in and there was still some time left, there was a belief there that maybe we could sneak a fourth."

If you had to choose between Liverpool winning the Premiership this season and England winning the World Cup, what would you choose?

"I'd love to win them both but obviously being the captain of the team, I'd love to deliver the Premiership for the boys. It's a difficult question because it's like picking one of your kids if you've got two kids! It's a very difficult question. It's the same as being asked [to choose between winning] the Champions League again this year or the league? It's an impossible question to answer. Being as hungry as I am, I'd like to win the three of them."

Like every kid did you play as a striker in the playground or have you always been a midfielder?

"[I played] everywhere really. I tried everywhere - defence, midfield and up front. I think that's why I don't do a bad job in all those positions now because when I was a kid I tried them all. I enjoy playing anywhere just so long as I have the ball."

Who is better: Stevie G or Frank Lampard?

(Laughs) "It's another impossible question! I think that although we play the same position, we are slightly different in the way we play. It's still a compliment to be compared to Frank because he's a wonderful player and it's a pleasure to play alongside him but it's a question I wouldn't like to answer."

Esox Lucius
18-01-2006, 09:13 AM
bit easier to read.

good interview. he is better than lampard though

18-01-2006, 02:40 PM
They are both class and think they will click together for England in the World Cup.

18-01-2006, 07:00 PM
Yeah, Gerrard's definitely better, the player I want most at Highbury right now is Walcott though! But if and when that's sorted it'd be Gerrard and Ronaldinho, not that it'll happen...

19-01-2006, 10:14 PM
Did you feel that we had lost to Luton when Cisse missed that penalty?

To be honest with you, I never ever thought that we were going to lose to Luton even when we were 3-1 down. [Even when] we missed the penalty I was always confident that we had enough players on the pitch and enough quality to get back in the game. Although we were getting beat 3-1, we were still creating a lot of chances and if you do play like that then you know that the goals are doing to come and eventually they did.

Has being the captain of Liverpool changed you in any way?

I'd like to think so, yes. I think that it's made me a little bit more mature off the pitch and I think it's improved me as a player but I don't think its changed me as a person. I still like to think that I'm the same person I was before I became captain.

Having studied the footage from the Champions League final, everybody seems to run to Jerzy Dudek but where exactly did you run to because you don't seem to be on any of the cameras?

I can't remember really but I think it was just to celebrate with the fansthe staff and players who were left out. I can't really remember exactly where I ran. I just remember us all starting in the blocks and every going off in all different directions! Thinking about it, I maybe should have run to Jerzy as he was the hero on the night but it was just a great night. I've got so many memories from that night, it's unbelievable.

Have you had much stick off Xabi Alonso for going mad at him before he scored his second goal against Luton?

No. In fact I still go mad at him now because I think to myself that if we were drawing the game and his shot never went in then we might have had a few problems! In the end it was a great goal from a great player but it was only a matter of time before he scored one of them any way because he's always trying them in training. There's actually a picture in a newspaper of about five of us about to go mad at him but it's just that I got caught on Mach of the Day!

We can guess your favourite moment in a Liverpool shirt but what's been your worst?

It's difficult to put your finger on one but scoring an own goal in a cup final and losing out to Chelsea was a low point but every time you get beat it's a depressing feeling. It's horrible to be on that bus after a defeat because it's just not a good place to be when you get beat.

You've got the best souvenir ever from the Champions League final but have you been tempted to buy any of the other sorts of memorabilia out there?

No, I haven't really. I've got my shirt that I wore and scored in and I've got Schevchenko's shirt and my winners medal. I've got a load of photos and the programme and my captain's armband so I'm happy with what I came away with from Istanbul. There are a lot of souvenirs out there though and I just hope the fans don't get ripped off for them.

In your time playing for Liverpool, who's been the best player that you have either played or trained with?

I've played with so many good players its difficult to put my finger on one. Michel Owen and Robbie Fowler are two of the best strikers in the world when they're on form. I'm playing alongside Xabi who's one of the best passers of the ball I've ever played with and Jamie and Sami at the back have been awesome so it's hard to pick jut one out. The current side now is full of top top players and I'm sure that there is going to be more on the way.

Do you ever get embarrassed by all of the Man of the Match awards that you win?

No, not really. It doesn't embarrass me because it's a proud feeling when you get Man of the Match. I don't go into any game trying to get Man of the Match, I just try and approach every game the same. If I don't get Man of the Match and we win then that's fine with me.

Have you ever won the lottery?

No, never not even a tenner.

Who was the first person you called on your mobile from Istanbul?

My dad because I knew he was over there so I wanted to get him to the hotel. He was with my brother and a few friends so as soon as I got on the bus, switched my mobile on and got rid of all the text messages I had, I phoned my dad to come and meet me at the hotel to join in the celebrations.

19-01-2006, 10:16 PM
What is the best goal you have ever scored for Liverpool?

I think the most important goal I've scored was the one in Istanbul to get us back to 3-1, but one of the best was probably against Middlesborough at home last season. That was a nice goal on the eye but the most important was definitely the one in Istanbul.

You already look like the complete player but are there any parts of your game that you feel you can improve?

Yes I'm still trying to improve every day. I train to improve, I don't just train for training's sake. I'm still trying to learn loads from the coaching staff here and off my team mates because you can never stop learning and improving your game.

Can you explain exactly what you were thinking just before you kissed the European cup in Istanbul?

It was just a big weight of my shoulders really. It was obviously a big disappointment to lose in the Carling Cup final and as a captain you wonder if you are ever going to lift a trophy. It was just a relief that I could lift my first cup, and being a European champion made it the greatest feeling in my footballing life.

As Liverpool captain how excited are you about what Rafael Benitez is building at Anfield?

Very excited. There's been a lot of improvement from last season, we've just gone into the fourth round of the FA Cup, we're in the last 16 of the Champions league and we're also tucked in nicely in the league with a couple of games in hand. Things are looking really good, the team's getting betterand better, the squad's getting stronger and he's still after more players so the future's looking bright for the team

You're obviously a very proud Liverpudlian but after recently calling Kevin Nolan a good scouser and Mike Newell a good scouse manager, do you see being scouse as a great quality in people?

It's nice as a scouser to see other scousers doing really well. Kevin's flying at Bolton and it was important that I let people know that I'm not going to deliberately try and hurt someone on a football pitch, especially someone I know really well. I know Mike Newell as a friend as well as a Luton manager so its nice to see people from our area doing well.

What did you think of Wayne Rooney's comments that seeing you lift the European cup made him feel sick?

I'm not surprised. I'd probably get a similar feeling to him if Man Utd were to go and do it - that's just the rivalry between the two clubs. It's great to see Wayne doing well because he's a great mate of mine from the England set up and he's absolutely flying at the moment. I think a couple of years down the line we'll be talking about him as one of the best players in the world

When you're on the pitch do you ever have to stop yourself from laughing at some of the things you hear from the crowd?

Now and again. The Liverpool fans have got some great songs and they're really sharp. It is funny.

How much are you involved with Rafa when it comes to bringing new players to the club - does he ever consult you?

No that's got nothing to do with me. That's between the manager, Rick Parry and the staff, but he has spoken to me about certain players and if he asks me for my opinion then I'll give him an honest answer. He might ask me what a player is like off the pitch and if I can help him to make a decision on that player then fine.

I'm planning a night out after Liverpool play Spurs - can you recommend anywhere good to go in town?

There's loads of good places. I'll probably be out myself if the result goes well and have a nice bite to eat with my missus. There's a lot of good places, it's difficult to pick one.

20-01-2006, 08:35 AM
He is a Top guy fair play.

Esox Lucius
20-01-2006, 09:20 AM
don't mind stevie, seems a down to earth lad, still a kopite sock robber though
