View Full Version : FAO MARK EG >>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!

02-03-2006, 11:22 PM
alrite bro... i just had a thought.... i remember seeing an offer on the website... gpoin back quite a while... regarding ur vinyl bundle deals... i did speak to u about this after ur last set at the lock up... is the offer still on?? i could do with fattening up my techno selection... if its still avaliable, i will be up for gettin £50 worth.... been listening to ur shows, and they have really got me back into techno in a big way (ive always loved it, but always play hardstyle or hard trance when i play out)!!! its time 4 a change... i have been sneaking the odd cardiak arrest track in at the end of my sets.. i need more!!!!! :techno:

03-03-2006, 12:52 AM
well this is brillliant you said that the radio got you back into techno. my god, this is my mission! i am very pleased man.

re: 50 quid bundle of techno. well, i haven't done this for a while. but if you send me 50 quid via paypal, i'll definitely send you 10-20 tracks of techno. they will either be tracks i love that i have doubles of or tracks i dont want. but i will try my best to keep the quality control on at least 1/2 of them. but taste is taste eh ;)

if ya wanna do it lemme know

in fact if anyone wants to do it lemme know!

03-03-2006, 12:05 PM
well this is brillliant you said that the radio got you back into techno. my god, this is my mission! i am very pleased man.

re: 50 quid bundle of techno. well, i haven't done this for a while. but if you send me 50 quid via paypal, i'll definitely send you 10-20 tracks of techno. they will either be tracks i love that i have doubles of or tracks i dont want. but i will try my best to keep the quality control on at least 1/2 of them. but taste is taste eh ;)

if ya wanna do it lemme know

in fact if anyone wants to do it lemme know!

ok dude.. sounds good 2 me... ru on msn? if u are, my addy is bayleydj@hotmail.com ... gimme a shout and we can talk... (would like to ask u a few computer/production Q's too) anyway.. hope to speak to u soon... :)

03-03-2006, 06:23 PM
i'd like to extend this offer

if anyone would like to send me 50 quid i'll also send a selection of techno

03-03-2006, 06:41 PM
ooooooooooooh gimme a few weeks.....id be into to something like that.

ahem player 7 anyone?
