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View Full Version : Casual violence - Fear of thought

29-03-2006, 09:27 PM
Hey guys

This is one of the tracks im working on at the moment

Its only about 4 mins long at the moment and the last min or so is just the tail end of where im up to(where the beat drops out for the second time is more or less where im up to)

Anyways as allways any feedback, comments and advice is very welcome.
Thanks ;)

robin m
29-03-2006, 11:19 PM

Great stuff... those eerie synths and that hypnotic percussion you seem to have really got the knack of, love it.

Got to say though I'm not overly keen on the sample, I'd personally just prefer to hear the actual tune here as it's so nicely worked but I know it's kind of the whole point of the track! I think if you're going to keep it in there it might sound better if it was meshed more into the background, it seems to stand out a bit too much from the music and you end up concentrating on it a bit much. Maybe if you made it a bit more 'ghostly' sounding and kind of played with the volume very gradually throughout its length so it got more or less prominent at certain points as it progressed - but that's just an idea, it's your track!

Love the tune though, definitely want to hear the finished version. :thumbsup:

30-03-2006, 09:56 AM
Wow!! This is roolly noice ;)
On tha money chap...

30-03-2006, 09:34 PM
Cheers guys
@Robin I think your bang on there mate, I was thinking of either seeing what its like distorted and mashed or even getting rid of it completly.
I like the ghostly sounding idea so ill try that.
Thanks much for your thoughts guys.

31-03-2006, 05:05 AM
Really like this man. Has a strong emotional vibe, and the play between parts has some real thought put into it.
Vocal fits very well too. Messing with it may be cool, but I don't mind it as it is.


31-03-2006, 05:06 AM
Love the vocal.
Techno people are scared of em.
Leave it as it is I reckon, this is something more than just boom-tish after all.

Beautiful work.

31-03-2006, 06:58 AM
Been listening some more today, mixed in with other tunes...bloody great stuff. Works well. I reckon you nailed it good and proper.

01-04-2006, 01:02 AM
Cheers guys.
Maybe ill leave the vocal in as it is then haha **** knows.
It is realy the lead of the track and was the first thing I put in the track(kinda made the track for the the vocal to be honest and compressed and mixed down so it was the lead sound)
Havent been near it since this version yet cause i started some other stuff hehe.
Going to crack on with it tonight untill the early hours.
What else is there to do with time eh?

01-04-2006, 01:03 AM
Cheers guys.
Maybe ill leave the vocal in as it is then haha **** knows.
It is realy the lead of the track and was the first thing I put in the track(kinda made the track for the the vocal to be honest and compressed and mixed down so it was the lead sound)
Havent been near it since this version yet cause i started some other stuff hehe.
Going to crack on with it tonight untill the early hours.
What else is there to do with time eh?

01-04-2006, 01:03 AM
Cheers guys.
Maybe ill leave the vocal in as it is then haha **** knows.
It is realy the lead of the track and was the first thing I put in the track(kinda made the track for the the vocal to be honest and compressed and mixed down so it was the lead sound)
Havent been near it since this version yet cause i started some other stuff hehe.
Going to crack on with it tonight untill the early hours.
What else is there to do with time eh?

01-04-2006, 01:06 AM
Bah im either pissed or BOA is being gay

01-04-2006, 04:57 PM
niice. very much your style kind of thing. like the progress as the track goes, all the ghost sounds around and also that vocal is ace. definitely some nice story inside.
production part of thing sound nice. everything sits nicely in the mix, has its own space and warmth. sounds really good. i am thinking about try to turn down the compression on the main rhythm little bit. its good as it is, no doubt. this just came in to my head during the first listen. GOOD track.fella..

01-04-2006, 10:45 PM
great stuff :eyes: everything works well in my ears, the only i'd change is to add more bottom, but its only my preference. any way good shit :cheese:

02-04-2006, 02:50 PM
Sh*t.... you wont believe it but I managed to download your track!!! *the sound of applause rises in the background* ;)

anyways.. will listen to it tonight and let you know what I think..... ( stuck in bkk at the moment.... so Ill have loads of time being online..!!!! WHoehoe.... free WIFI @ the pizza place!!!)


so Ill comment later...


02-04-2006, 10:18 PM
Cheers for listening people


02-04-2006, 10:19 PM
Hey Lau ;)

03-04-2006, 07:38 AM
Sup sup.....

this is dope dude!!!! Yeah keep the vocal in there!!! Production sounds tight!!!

Your production skills really leaped forward since I left..... Since Im doing way to little producing lately my skills have been stagnating..... So... according to my calculations.... you'll be nearly as good as me in about 64years 102days and 7 hours!!! Now isnt that the best news you heard today!!! ;)

Keep em comming!!!!!


04-04-2006, 08:32 PM

I hope you drink some dodgy local water and catch BKK fanny blister diseese you slag

Evil G
04-04-2006, 10:10 PM
sounds wicked. it's funny, i didn't like that episode of star trek, but put in a different context that dialog is great! :)

05-04-2006, 01:03 AM
Star treck I dont know what your on about......

