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View Full Version : Mixing in key /Producing in key

02-09-2006, 12:29 AM
I think this can take djing to another level + useful when tuning drums/perc-loops whatever:





do you do this shizzle by ear or what? tell me your opinions!

if you haven't heard/thought about this i urge you to use it whilst producing/doing dj-mixes. could make ableton sets for example a lot better because you can sort by first bpm and secondly key, ie.

folder 140 bpm -> subfolder key A

you could analyze your vinyl as well and put stickers on the records with key + bpm info!! just an idea...


very useful as well with tonal percussion such as congas/bongos/toms... etc

i am thinking of sorting (some) of my samples into firstly type, i.e. kick/conga etc. category and secondly key subfolders. could make 'finding a suitable sample' much easier, imo. again, anyone into this??

02-09-2006, 01:05 AM
As an example i have sorted the 'kix' section of the alex calver pack posted shortly:


i think this is really neat, whaddaya reckon?

02-09-2006, 08:50 AM
I havent used this particular bit of software but there are others which do a similar thing

Can definitely be useful at times especially like you say for some percussion, also vocal snips and so on. It really depends on what you're writing though

It is certainly often possible to do this by ear although this is a useful addition - thanks :)

02-09-2006, 09:44 AM
I've been doing this by ear, as I really dont have a clue as to how to detect a song/loop/sample's key, nor do I know which ones go together. Maybe I should read the article?

02-09-2006, 09:54 AM
I havent looked too closely at it...but I assume that this software will automatically retune a sample into a key (effectively a given pitch) that you give it...for example so you could retune all your cowbells to A , or whatever

There are also other creative possibilities

02-09-2006, 09:58 AM
i actually mix by key when i dj and have done for years. i tried this mixed in key thing about a year ago and it was crap. all you havew to know is that c goes with c, d goes with d etc etc.... a simple keyboard and your 'master bpm record to hand is all that's needed.


02-09-2006, 11:09 AM
mark, i think it is ok when it comes to getting yer samples in key, doing basic sorting. not everybody is fit when it comes to tuning --> tonedeaf. this tool doesn't retune. it just analyzes. in addition to that it might have become better since you last tried it. i will list similar tools later. melodyne for example can do this as well and i doubt that's crap. i intended to show people this that haven't thought about this subject at all before, not 'pros' like you, m'key :)

02-09-2006, 11:13 AM
from the top of my head:

- celemony melodyne
- tonart
- mixmeister pro
- gtune
- rapid evolution

- antares autotune
- gsnap

02-09-2006, 11:18 AM
would be nice to see that capability built into the likes of Kontakt actually

02-09-2006, 11:19 AM
heheh... i think you're right mate.... but i found all this like real music theory stuff in the program all a bit off tbh... i have what i think is a pretty 'fool proof' method to mix by just keeping it down to notes go with notes. you get the exact pitch of something and put it in that group. to mix out of that group, you need a good break in the track....i put a load of files through this mixedinkey prog and it told me things would go with things that just don't. i mean REALLY dont!!!!

but yeah, it's a great way for ppl to think on that level and TBH key mixing really does work. it's been my secret for a long, long time :)

02-09-2006, 11:20 AM
ps i can't wait to check your links

02-09-2006, 05:51 PM
it's been my secret for a long, long time

hahaha not anymore. seriously tho i bought a book ages ago about dj'ing and it had something about harmonic mixing, but ime to tone deaf to work out the key's of my records :lol:

02-09-2006, 09:28 PM
from the top of my head:

- celemony melodyne (demo linkage for melodyne uno)
http://www.celemony.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/LicenseApp.woa/wa/demoRegistration?os=Windows&version=1.5.3&language =Any&name=MelodyneUnoDemo&extension=Setup.exe
- tonart
- mixmeister pro (trial)
- gtune
- rapid evolution

- antares autotune(demo)
- gsnap

links updated :)
