View Full Version : Brilliant plugin updated again: Multiinspector

11-06-2007, 06:33 PM
For me this is the best plugin in ages; and the technical changes + the now more than generous demo restrictions are to good to be true:

"Hi all

Just wanted to let you know about the new version of [ http://www.vertexdsp.com/products_multiinspector.html ] (MultiInspector). There are now 3 different viewing modes for horizontal and vertical alignment/spacing of the level bars available. The solo/mute switching controls and the memory slots can be applied to all views for selecting the levels to display.

The new demo is less restrictive than the previous one: The timeout has been increased to one hour (instances can be reloaded instantly - no host/session restriction).

H-Align - The width of the level bars is automatically adjusted according to the number of signals currently viewed. This is the mode of the previous versions (and the same as in [ http://www.vertexdsp.com/products_multiinspectorfree.html ] (MultiInspectorFree)).


V-Align - The level bars are aligned vertically without space. This mode provides an instant overview of the frequency distribution of all instances.


V-Space - The spectrum of every instance is displayed in an own view. These views are ordered vertically.


As usual, you can download it from

11-06-2007, 07:02 PM
