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View Full Version : Midi Note Randomizer for VST/AU

29-02-2008, 02:28 PM
anyone know where i can find a plugin that is capable of randomizing midi notes?

For example, if i am experiencing writers block and just want to randomize some synth leads to hear some wacked out effects.

Think Reason's Matrix Sequencer.

Think Cubase's Step Designer.


01-03-2008, 03:46 AM
yeah step sequencing is a big thing in our studio heheheh

try an old thing called seq-303, hooked up via hubi's loopback .. use the 'r' button :)

if you have ableton, you really need to get hold of that covert operators thingy.. there's a random thing on that and it's amazing if you just let it record a whole load of crap and then go back to the recording and see if you can make things fit :)

good luck.. lemme know how you get on!!!

ps would love to hear any more suggestions!!!

01-03-2008, 04:00 AM
try an old thing called seq-303, hooked up via hubi's loopback .. use the 'r' button

+1 its a great program!

01-03-2008, 07:40 AM
thanks for the suggestion!!

Only problem is that im running on a Mac and I checked out the 303 is only windows compatible :(.

I have migrated from Cubase SX3 to Logic Pro 8 and i'm pulling out my hair trying to figure out if Logic has midi plugin equivalent to Cubase's step designer.

But please keep the suggestions coming!!

01-03-2008, 03:19 PM
If you like programming you could try Chuck which is an on the fly audio programming language. I made an automatic techno song generator with it. :laughing:

For instance for my bassline It creates a random 1 bar pattern and then loops this over 4 bars so i can get a feel for how the pattern sounds. It continues this randomise/loop process untill I decide I really like the pattern then I press a key to break it out of the process & keep it looping. I have set it up to feed midi data into Abelton and it works well. Next step when i get some time is get the same process going for non-note data, Midi CC's etc.

NB. If you arent prepared to get nerdy with code Chuck is not for you. But its an amazing piece of software (for nerds)


01-03-2008, 04:30 PM
You could rewire fl studio into cubase perhaps?

Or check what i found on k-v-r via the plugin database search function:

