View Full Version : Mac security

19-06-2008, 12:42 AM
Any Mac users out there use anti-virus and spyware software? If so what's the best out there?

19-06-2008, 01:25 AM
you don't really need it, bro.

but there is a DNS hijack going around deriving from an attack on certain wireless modems, so let me know if you get redirected to a site called wsearch.net and i'll show you how to fix it.

19-06-2008, 02:02 PM
Cool...Am new to the Mac systems and still find it hard to get used to not freaking about this kind of thing. Not using a wireless modem at the mo but will keep an eye out for that DNS hijack when I do - Thanks for that :)

20-06-2008, 07:40 AM
Currently the biggest threat to OSX is the youtube and video sharing site issue. There have been a number of vulnerabilities discovered in quicktime which have been exploited through people being sent links to videos which required users to install something, but this has alwys reuired a user level password entry, so it not very seirous and always cured by apple.

in the future i suspect there will be a lot more issues with osx as it really hasnt been tested properly. The biggest threat of course comes from phishing emails, but this is well known.
