View Full Version : massive line remixes

15-12-2010, 08:23 PM
Just a heads up letting all you avid acid heads that 909london has some new remixes for d/l that are avin it each are faultless for me especialy the staskey and hutch pub crawl (sounds like liberator to me) just pure fun tuneage to bounce to. I would have like to have seen a vinyl release personaly tho,,,, w hat do you lot think :unibrow:

15-12-2010, 08:33 PM
Should of Released them on SUF Remix imo

15-12-2010, 08:35 PM
They also should of Released these new AP Remixes on vinyl 909London: A.P. (http://www.909london.com/A.P./?song=551)

15-12-2010, 08:58 PM
so it is not me who only feels this way , dont get me wrong i think the website is fantastic for suf to provide tunes for the mp3 or cd DJ but you just cant beat that classic analogue sound of vinyl especialy with acid techno , besides the latest vinyl releases arent nearly as good as these little belters i found the acid gangsters tunes a bit monotonus and pollished for my liking prefer that raw nitty gritty squelching bouncy acid lines , for me the AP tunes is K-hole music lol but that is just me maybe if introduced in a full blown techno set they work a treat i do not know , i am fairly new to the scene and already extremely opinionated ...not a good sign haha

15-12-2010, 09:06 PM
i agree to me 909london is a chance for mp3 DJs to snap up some techno , acid techno is a fairly underground music scene and mostly plays VINYL so perhaps tracks like these should remain on VINYL?! bizarre.

15-12-2010, 09:09 PM
i agree to me 909london is a chance for mp3 DJs to snap up some techno , acid techno is a fairly underground music scene and mostly plays VINYL so perhaps tracks like these should remain on VINYL?! bizarre.


the A'tchet
15-12-2010, 09:43 PM
i agree to me 909london is a chance for mp3 DJs to snap up some techno , acid techno is a fairly underground music scene and mostly plays VINYL so perhaps tracks like these should remain on VINYL?! bizarre.

1. vinyl costs alot of money so you have to be sure the track is a winner before thinkg of releasng it and 2. it can take a blue moon to get it pressed and circulated.
for me personlly the more music that gets out there and becomes available the better because its still the same tunes getting played pretty much.
ive just started messing about with traktor so if it wasnt for mp3s then chances are i wouldnt of really thought about getting involved.
the scene couldnt definately do with freshning up.
thats just my opinion of course but for all those who only play vinyl i can see it from that side of the fence too.

the A'tchet
15-12-2010, 09:50 PM
Just a heads up letting all you avid acid heads that 909london has some new remixes for d/l that are avin it each are faultless for me especialy the staskey and hutch pub crawl (sounds like liberator to me) just pure fun tuneage to bounce to. I would have like to have seen a vinyl release personaly tho,,,, w hat do you lot think :unibrow:

just bought 3 of these.my faves in order

1.staskey n hutch
3.tyranoid strongstream

Joe Pineapples
16-12-2010, 11:47 AM
I'd buy tons from 909 if it wasn't so expensive. £1.50 per tune is ... a lot.

16-12-2010, 12:49 PM
Still cheaper than paying up to £8 inc postage for a vinyl with only one track that you would play...saying that I am still new to digital DJing and prefer plastic anyday.

Regarding the tunes, never really liked Massive Line to start with, the main line and vocal just grated a little...remixes don't do much either. May possibly purchase the Staskey and Hutch remix at some point.

I'm a fussy bugger :rubiggrin:

16-12-2010, 01:03 PM
Still pleased that SUF are onboard with Back2You though, looking forward to future remixes and sample sets...

16-12-2010, 02:59 PM

i know there is much more websites around where you can download mp3's cheaper than on 909 london but please notice - only there you will find most of the acid techno tunes which are not available in other places.

All earned money going directly to the producers and supporting the vinyl market next, so basically you are supporting new incoming vinyls which are in schedule when you buying digital tracks at 909 and i think it's a fair enough for both side.
Want vinyl stay alive ? Please support digital way as much you can, you know it make sense.

Jack Black
16-12-2010, 08:44 PM
Well said Athar

19-12-2010, 09:08 AM

i know there is much more websites around where you can download mp3's cheaper than on 909 london but please notice - only there you will find most of the acid techno tunes which are not available in other places.

All earned money going directly to the producers and supporting the vinyl market next, so basically you are supporting new incoming vinyls which are in schedule when you buying digital tracks at 909 and i think it's a fair enough for both side.
Want vinyl stay alive ? Please support digital way as much you can, you know it make sense.

+1 on what you said...... I fully agree.....
