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View Full Version : Techno events in NYC ? ? ?

18-04-2004, 02:46 PM
Are there any good techno events happening in NYC anymore? I used to enjoy seeing Carl Cox, Steve Stoll (live), Jeff Mills, and Underworld DJ sets at the Twilo, but that was long ago.

A few weekends back I was graced with the great "Nasa Rewind" event in NYC which was the best 1992 event I've ever whitnessed. After such a great time I'm kinda itching to go to more like this, even if its modern techno.

I'm primarily interested in going to a large production (lots of DMX lighting/heavy soundsystem) with an older mature crowd (25+).

Francisco Scaramanga
20-04-2004, 03:18 PM
Somebody told me that dancing had been banned in New York or something like that. I think it was more like they pulled the dance licenses from all the clubs like Twilo and that, forcing them to shut. It was probably all a load of bull though, I can't imagine a city like NY could go for long without any dance events. I hope you find some winners!

20-04-2004, 08:34 PM
That can't be the case any more because the Nasa thing was only a few weeks ago and there was a-plenty of dancin'.

The Twilo and more recently, the Soundfactory were closed down due to some garbage drug laws from what I understand. At least with the Soundfactory, the law went after the owners of the club for "allowing" drugs to be used on their property. This is completely uncalled for because no club owner or concert thrower can completely control what its patrons bring in to event.
