View Full Version : exporting MIDI to Audio in Cubase SX

15-05-2004, 07:52 AM
im such an idiot! After all these weeks i have just realized that i cant add VST plugin effects to an Audio track. The only effects that show up are the built in ones on Cubase. This means i must say good buy to all my Ohm Boyz Plugins!

This brings me to my next problem. Now i've read numerous posts on the internet and from steinberg.net of different ways to export midi tracks to audio, but for some reason i still cant get it to work!

Can anyone briefly explain to me how i can export all the midi into audio?

15-05-2004, 03:47 PM
I'm pretty sure you can use 3rd party plugins on audio tracks in Cubase....
Are you sure you have put the dll files in the right folder for Cubase to find them?

15-05-2004, 05:05 PM
Humm don't thinl that's exactly what he was asking 4. :neutral:

Use the locators 2 define the range (area) u want 2 export (form left indicator 2 the right indicator).

Solo the channel (s) U want 2 export 2 audio . Menu File/ Export/ export audio Mixdown...


15-05-2004, 05:31 PM
im such an idiot! After all these weeks i have just realized that i cant add VST plugin effects to an Audio track. The only effects that show up are the built in ones on Cubase. This means i must say good buy to all my Ohm Boyz Plugins!

I was replying to what he said here, rather than what was asked in his main question. Maybe I misinterpreted it anyway. Nevermind...

15-05-2004, 08:03 PM
nah m8.. all input is valueable and priceless! :)


16-05-2004, 01:48 PM
thank you for the input!

i will try this when i get home tomorrow :doh:
