View Full Version : Creating Automation in CubaseSX

19-05-2004, 11:18 AM
Is it possible to "snap" the Automation marks in a VSTi Automation track or quantise them?

Also, when I clikc [W], it never records knob movement I make on the screen. and Im stuck on how to link automation to a controller on a MIDI device such as the Remote 25 or Oxygen 8.

anyone got any tips?


19-05-2004, 11:31 AM
Automation in itself can not be linked 2 a controller... u either have the possibility or recording knob movements that are assigned 2 functions (like 4 instance cc 74 is the cutt off of A1) or not...

don't forget that if u have a loop a lot of times the writting is erasing yer previous knob movements...

as far as I can remember the best way 2 have the movements quantized is 2 draw' em by hand with the snap in snap to quantise, the quantize points u define in quantize (for instance 1/16)...

Check the previous posts about automation in SX, this is one of it's biggest sell points... I couldn't do with out it for synth tweaks and mixing automation, efx etc...


20-05-2004, 08:03 AM
checkin this now, nice 1 Z ;)
