Who on here can honestly say that they support there football team like a fan should ?

I'm mainly talking about going to watch your team. I'm pretty sure most of you on here don't go to watch your teams & in my book that's not really a supporter :dontevengothere:

I think most of you are armchair supporters :roll: & the nearest thing you come to supporting your team is a rep shirt. (typical prem team fan) You know the sort of fan...he/she gets all the latest news from skysports :roll:

I've had a season ticket for the past 10 years at my club & go to 50% of the away matches. How many of you follow your team home & away :?:

I'm not trying to be clever here & saying your not a fan cause you don't go to matches but the way some of you bang on about supporting Liverpool,Everton & man U etc you'd think you could at least attend the match.

ok then lets have your excuses :lol: nah only joking ;) but please be honest.