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  1. #101
    Ultimate Freak
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    Apr 2003
    the countryside, UK


    no, you're the one who brought up Berlin just to get a cheap rise, why? what relevence did it have? what was the motivation? I don't understand... You had nothing to really say on the topic so why did you bother?

    This demostrates why I only go on forums about once a month, because you get this kind of Bull, people so eagar to type but with nothing to say.... give up...

  2. #102
    Ultimate Freak
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    Apr 2003
    the countryside, UK


    what particuarly got me what the fact you seemed to want to imply in some way that I had said "Berlin is the centre"... please show me where I said that.. please do, I look forward to it...

  3. #103
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by crime
    no, you're the one who brought up Berlin just to get a cheap rise, why? what relevence did it have? what was the motivation? I don't understand... You had nothing to really say on the topic so why did you bother?

    This demostrates why I only go on forums about once a month, because you get this kind of Bull, people so eagar to type but with nothing to say.... give up...
    look I wasn't going to go any further with this but if it will help you sleep tonight I will answer your questions.

    I did it to get a cheap rise because its funny and I'm the funny man and we all had a giggle, especially because you keep going on about it but now its a little sad.

    It had relevance because you had a go at people from places that don't release much records, like as if that has relevance to a new movement... and being from Berlin and the amount of boring crap that comes out of there right now (matter of taste I guess but many people agree), I thought it was a bit ironic that someone from Berlin is having a go at people from elsewhere for trying to push something new and interesting. So I made a serious sounding joke of it that has some truth in it at the same time.

    This had a lot to say about the topic if you read between the lines. Maybe I should take the time to post extremely well thought out posts which clearly detail everything on my mind but I seriously can't be f#cked doing that because unlike you, a person who has a much higher post count and percentage of posts a day, have better things to do when i'm on the net... like jacking off to porn, cus its so much more satisfying than having an internet argument. Thats what I'm going to do now so for your sake and mine I am not furthering this lame dispute.

    Sorry if it offended you and you took it too personally. I didn't intend it to have such an impact on your ego. Let it go for the sake of this forum and feel free to private message me to sort it out if you really need to. Maybe we can drink good vodka in the future and have a laugh about this.

  4. #104
    Ultimate Freak
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    Apr 2003
    the countryside, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Komplex

    It had relevance because you had a go at people from places that don't release much records, like as if that has relevance to a new movement... and being from Berlin and the amount of boring crap that comes out of there right now (matter of taste I guess but many people agree), I thought it was a bit ironic that someone from Berlin is having a go at people from elsewhere for trying to push something new and interesting. So I made a serious sounding joke of it that has some truth in it at the same time.
    Hey, no sweat, but have you ever actually been to Berlin? I just think it's pretty ignorant to base a judgment on a place on just a few things you read about, and on this side of the world the joke isn't so funny, because we don't have the same preconceptions about berlin which arn't actually the reality..
    I'm not from here, I'm english, but I've been living here for 6 months, and to be honest Cologne has just as much to answer for when it come to the minimal stuff, the only reason there is so much hype surrounding berlin is because Ritchie and Ricardo live here.. I mean a lot of people take the P. of that scene here, I just don't think it's veery fair for some-one who has never been here to try and take a swipe when they don't know what they are talking about, I mean if you havn't been here then you might get the impression that minimal was the be all and end all, but Berlin is as dynamic as any comparable city (Paris, London, NYC), and there's a lot of different people dooing a lot of cool and varied stuff.. Ok, you go on about the boring stuff coming from here, but what about the cool stuff such as Aeox, Youngman, Mascon, and a whole host of other really unique electronic artists?
    And what's with the ego bullshit, you think I do this to massage my own ego?
    Ok, you got my goat a Little, but maybe we can have that vodka and a laugh next time I'm down under, I suspect you probably know some friends of mine....

  5. #105
    Ultimate Freak
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    Apr 2003
    the countryside, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Komplex
    because unlike you, a person who has a much higher post count and percentage of posts a day, have better things to do when i'm on the net... like jacking off to porn, cus its so much more satisfying than having an internet argument. Thats what I'm going to do now so for your sake and mine I am not furthering this lame dispute.
    the first bit is a little personal *throws vodka in Komplex's face*
    my flatmate is about to steal my internet back so I should get some work done today, bit silly to make assumtions about my internet usage...

    hope you don't go blind mate, do you have one arm bigger than the other?

  6. #106
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    all good matey :)

    but i'll drink you under the table ;)

  7. #107
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    the countryside, UK


    hopefully provided a little entertainment for those of you bored at work...

  8. #108
    Ultimate Freak
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    the countryside, UK


    you know Ben who runs Diatom then?

  9. #109
    Supreme Freak
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    Feb 2005


    Wow!! that was interesting...??

    Well, for those of you who have just stepped off Noahs Ark will probably need to get up to speed on the context of what i was trying to say. First read all that i have said in this post in sequence.

    Now, let me put it in simple terms.

    One must relate to the industry when commenting on a "new movement" in the music. The industry is driving that change because the business is changing due to a new format of music delivery. I referenced the industry because it is part of what we are talking about here REGARDLESS OF DOLLAR VALUE. These changes work at every level. Actually it is more important for an emerging artist (such as me) to consider this when trying to get involved.

    When you consider that i commented on the creative elements and the business elements of change i think i have covered it quite comprehensively even if only in simple forum language.

    In summary, there are new creative possibilities, new artists emerging and new business opportunities for all of us who want it. The market is global as it is online (digital) and doesnt rely on getting music put on a mechanical format like vinyl - which is all done in Europe or the US at the detriment of other countries who cannot get access to the media format.

    Crime....you are way outa line buddy. But, thats your problem.

  10. #110
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    In the sky eating clouds


    Crime I hate to say it but you are pretty good at wrecking the buzz yourself. Someone makes a 'funny' comment and you take it up all seriuos all the time. I could only handle you one a month by the looks/sounds of things. ? Does vogel drive a porshe? C'mon you cant be serious as to take these thing serious. You are probably just riling from the bad old days when certain other people pissed you off.. but dem days are gone.

    Now I'm not jumping the gun but you can act just as much as a forum twat as the best of us (including me). ;)

    dont hit me.. because i'm a Aeox/Youngman/Mascon/Landstrumm etc nerd.
    "The Taoiseach's plans are a quick fix, not a long term solution" - DJ Sunil Sharpe

  11. #111
    Supreme Freak
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    Lester, Earth


    INDUSTRY, BUSINESS, DELIVERY, OPPORTUNITIES, MARKET, GLOBAL, BLEEEEARGH :dontevengothere: :dontevengothere: :dontevengothere:

  12. #112
    Supreme Freak
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    Feb 2005



    its hard aint it. Oh well, best just to make some toons then. ;)

  13. #113
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    something else to consider....

    it may be a new movement.....but from Hawtin's point of view....we are just following his lead.

  14. #114
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by crime
    hopefully provided a little entertainment for those of you bored at work...
    this argument would have provided some entertainment for me
    if only you both didn't write such bloody long posts!!

    i got bored halfway through!

    anyway......back to the discussion at hand......
    love your mum

  15. #115
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by holotropik
    something else to consider....

    it may be a new movement.....but from Hawtin's point of view....we are just following his lead.
    well we are .........aren't we?......i am
    love your mum

  16. #116
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    its a bloody good lead to follow imo
    Life is "trying things to see if they work"

    Finally getting around to updating my site

    Dave knows scooter lyrics

  17. #117
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bangalore, India


    Quote Originally Posted by dan the acid man
    its a bloody good lead to follow imo
    Yes, lets all move to Berlin and buy T-Shirts.

  18. #118
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    im not having a quief/ comb over thingy on my head though
    Life is "trying things to see if they work"

    Finally getting around to updating my site

    Dave knows scooter lyrics

  19. #119
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bangalore, India


    Quote Originally Posted by dan the acid man
    im not having a quief/ comb over thingy on my head though
    You can make the tea then.

  20. #120
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by TechMouse
    Quote Originally Posted by dan the acid man
    its a bloody good lead to follow imo
    Yes, lets all move to Berlin and buy T-Shirts.
    sorry ....do you mean buy a specific berlin t shirt?
    or just buy any old t shirt because they are particularly good in berlin?

    help me i am confused ....and its only 1pm
    love your mum


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