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  1. #1
    BOA Newbie
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Talking Howdy Gents, a few quick ones...

    First post, with all my greetings to all of you. Looks like a solid crew is roaming around here, so I wont waste any time. Couple of quirks:

    1) See mentioned from many sources that light compression used alot gives better results than heavy compression used sparingly. Just wondering, in terms of gain reduction, what exactly is considered light compression and whats seen as heavy?

    2) Any of yous using a buss compressor over the whole mix? Been using one for a while now, but put in the settings from Charles Dye's Gearslutz post, which is clearly aimed at RnShite and Rock etc.. If you could share your settings (which plug/outboard device, what settings, and why) we can turn this into a little tutorial on how to figure attack/release times for techn0/mnml and the rest. (Blatantly need one, so trying to look more altruistic than I really am....)

    3)How do you guys pan your elements across the board. My main question is more towards a synth patch for example. Do you put it at L30 with a delay/reverb panned to the right etc.. or do you just leave it in the middle, as there are no vocals anyway?

    Have a billlion more but sure that your answers will provide plenty to work on for the moment!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    welcome to the forum

    1) See mentioned from many sources that light compression used alot gives better results than heavy compression used sparingly. Just wondering, in terms of gain reduction, what exactly is considered light compression and whats seen as heavy?
    light comp would be something that you'd use to keep the general dynamics of the audio file but at the same bring out the little pieces that would otherwise be lost - typically you would just get the GR meter bouncing ever so slightly - i cant give exact settings because it all depends on the level of input but a quick release and slow attack with a mild ratio is what you're after.

    for heavier stuff (like used in parralel comp or "new york" comp) a quicker attack, longer release and heavy ratio is used - ie. the opposite of above.

    2) Any of yous using a buss compressor over the whole mix? Been using one for a while now, but put in the settings from Charles Dye's Gearslutz post, which is clearly aimed at RnShite and Rock etc.. If you could share your settings (which plug/outboard device, what settings, and why) we can turn this into a little tutorial on how to figure attack/release times for techn0/mnml and the rest. (Blatantly need one, so trying to look more altruistic than I really am....)
    yes, i use a SSL g-comp over the whole mix. i usually place the sonalksis free-g fader before it to give me more input accuracy. threshold again depends on input, ratio 4, middleish attack and very fast release to give it a little pump. like with light compression i only get the meters bouncing slightly. some people go for a heavier master comp but it just depends on your style.

    3)How do you guys pan your elements across the board. My main question is more towards a synth patch for example. Do you put it at L30 with a delay/reverb panned to the right etc.. or do you just leave it in the middle, as there are no vocals anyway?
    for me everything gets panned besides kick, snare and bass. they all stay mono. ill usually pan the rest of the kit a touch either side to give them space. as far as panning anything else then anything goes. if im writing acid i'll usually keep the lead 303 fairly centred and have another one with a stereo widener on it.

    just keep experimenting!
    Last edited by rhythmtech; 18-07-2008 at 02:53 AM.



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