Okay, this one is hard for me to explain but hopefully I can get a little help. :)

Take for instance I have a sample, say a vocal or synth stab that is in A. But, in order for it to fit into my track, I want it to play in C without ****ing up the pitch. In VSTi like Kontakt or just using the regular keyboard thingy in FLStudio as you progress up or down the octaves...it just pitches the sample up more or pitches it down. Any ideas?

Also related...I'd like to pitch down some vocals but keep them in time (Thomas Krome does this a lot with vocals) but every program I try to pitch down vocals it just makes the whole loop slower or something.

Sometimes I'd also like to take say...a hip hop or a drum loop from ~110 bpm and pitch it up to 130 for instance...yet in the regular FLstudio program, it just makes it sound nearly chipmunk-ish. I know Ableton handles this really well, but exporting and importing between programs in a drag.

Any help? Much appreciated.