some of you might be asking why have I put a comp in here
bad Matu
ready below to find out why

This might be time for some of you to get your music producing skills in action.Electric Circus has been given a video advert slot for a major video sharing network Vreel that gets 500,000 unique hits a day Wooooo (EC will be moving to a dedicated server for this), the advert will be on the front page of the site for 1 day and then put into the standard video libary, which we will then use on other video sharing networks.
Due to copyright laws we dont want to use a commerical track so we thought that you guys might be able to help out. We are looking for something fast, uplifting, original and suitable for a video advert which will be 2:30 minutes long.

So whats in it for me I hear you say????
well we would be very grateful........LOL no thats not all
you will have your track on the video advert with credits to you plus the people over at Vreel have given us premission to offer a gold account for 1 month which lets you... time to quote from site.

"Want an advert-free VReel experience? No problem. Sign up for a Premium account and you're on your way - along with enjoying a range of other features, such as unlimited image and audio storage space, a massive 8.5 Gigabyte upload limit, and the ability to embed videos on your own website! "

So what do you think?
info on how to enter here