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Thread: Just a thought

  1. #1
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Just a thought

    Could we get away with playing stuff that was played in the mid to late 90's & not have to call it a classic or old set?
    as lot of you guys on here well now we've spent years collecting some great classic's. which in my apennine is just as good, if not better than the modern stuff of today. (like alot of people say: the best trance was made in the the late 90's!) now we're talking 11 years on & we must have some sout of new generation of ravers now... & would they be able to tell? i've aways played older stuff as i think it's better all round. i never once had any party goer come up to me & ask if i had played an old set.. even if the night had not been advertised as a classic night or set.

  2. #2
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    suppose it depends what kind of event you were playing it at...

    id say you would probably get away with not labelling it as a classic set because a lot of people dont know or care when these tunes were produced....only the true fans of it do. as long as the ppl on the dancefloor seem to be enjoyin the tunes you are playing id say thats all that counts.

    i reckon 80% of people that goes to raves now have probably never heard 90s hard trance and would see it as not hard or fast enough if it was played today.....that being the only reason i would label it as a classic set

    the majority of people nowadays seem to accept whatevers thrown at them.....they think tiesto is the best thing since sliced bread because he's labelled in the media as the one of the best DJs in the world, having to listen to his god awful remix of adagio on radio 1 every other day. its not just dance music, but music in general.
    people just dont go out of their way to find something different to the norm. they would rather just let the media, radio, magazines, music channels, x factor brainwash them into thinking that that is good music when really it couldnt be any worse.

    we all know on here that 90s trance rips the piss out of the unimaginative shite and remixes that come out today......seems others just need educating

    anyway each to their own i suppose

    am i ranting???

    Last edited by Spacehopper; 14-11-2010 at 07:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    no mate some very good points



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