Analog Industries Filterizer

Type: Filter

After messing up the step settings on Steinberg's StepFilter for the upteenth million time, I decided that there has to be a better way. Utilizing the Audio Damage DSP library, and spending an inordinate amount of company time, I came up with this little gadget, which fulfills the same functions as StepFilter, but is far more appropriate to my working environment.

Basically, it is a normal state-variable filter. The twist is that the filter frequency can be controlled by MIDI note number in addition to the normal knob-twisting action. You instansiate it as an insert effect (or send, if you feel daring), then assign a MIDI track to it the same way you would to, say, a VSTi or other MIDI-capable effect. You can then "play" the filter with your MIDI keyboard. After using it for a while, I added the "hang" button to the MIDI control section. If this is on, the filter stays at whatever the last MIDI note was. If it is off, the filter returns to the knob value as soon as the key is released. If you use it in this mode, you'll want to quantize the ends of the notes, as well, unless your timing is absolutely stellar.

If you have any questions about this plug-in, or ideas for features to improve it, drop me a line at and I'll endeavor to please. I have only tested it with Nuendo and Cubase on Windows and Macintosh. Your mileage may vary if you use a different host.