Slobodan said in other topic of this forum:

i too dont really see what did this reviewer wanted to say. cant really see the link with NerVioLence's music and reeko's but hey. seems like hes sayin reeko should do something like this nervio guy, wich i, personaly, didnt like, but that doesnt matter. i agree with him that reeko's story is turning out to be a sad one. so much talent wasted on doin the same shit over..and over and over...------------------------------

Now I say:

I agree with slobodan: reeko -among others-...... are just making the same thing all time... just cooking a formula that is not brave now. I´m not on that way.... I CAN´T.

tHere is already a Regis, already a Surgeon..... if you want, already a Wunch. But please... no more same story like slobodan said... that´s sad.

For example I like Rodz-konez, by Makaton...... a good and imaginative artist. He has a strong influence over me in TiJJera Nerviolence, although perhaps my work goes beyond commercial protocols in a more radical way. Sincerely I think I pay no attention to the fact that my traks could be easily played by djs... not much attention. It doesnt matter for me.

I can ´paint´, create, techno in a more or less lineal way -although I declare myself multitextured antilenal or medlineal - but I think that 100 X 100 lineal...... it´s a bit poor! :) in my opinion

We can enrich techno beyond a merely cool powerful loop.