With all the arguments over styles and stuff recently, I`ve come to see things in a new light.

There seems to be a split in techno, in terms of attitude.

A lot of people, want to take techno into an artistic journey, and more and more we are seeing artists take a more cerebral and "artistic approach" I guess to expand and explor their own abilities as well as those of the music.

And the other faction, just want to make music for parties, to entertain, as it were, which in itself has an innocent allure, and not to necessarily push the music or make some artistic statement or journey.

I`m not arguing for or against either, as they both serve a purpose.

But I am starting to think maybe this is the cause of a lot of debate.

And if so, it`s almost as if a new genre is emerging out of techno, but it`s still very much embryonic, and maybe has some of the form of what it was.

I`m not sure where I`m going with this.

So I`ll stop for the moment, to think about it.