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  1. #1
    Junior Freak
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    Jan 2003

    Default Whos up for this.... ?

    Has anyone heard that garage tune called Warning by Y.O.Click, it goes like this...... Warning warning this ones storming, this ones storming and this is the warning...etc...

    Well anyway i was wondering if anyone was up for takin those words from that tune and put a mental beat with it maybe something like Trance generators beat....wat do u think ?

  2. #2
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    c'mon mate thats absoulute cheese!!! :lol:

    i cant belive that idea! :lol:

    its pure cheesy commercial crap

    yeah this ones storming, warning, warning ha ha ha :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. #3
    Junior Freak
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    Up own arse


    F*ck me!

    Don't pull your punches, mate!


    Seems like no-one's in this for having a bit of fun any more. Believe me, the people dancing to this music are way more up for a having a laugh than the people producing it - a fact which it would be wise to remember, lest we all end up making tech house or nu-skool breaks.


  4. #4
    Junior Freak
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    Jan 2003


    It would be well bangin i think!!

  5. #5
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djTequila
    F*ck me!

    Don't pull your punches, mate!


    Seems like no-one's in this for having a bit of fun any more. Believe me, the people dancing to this music are way more up for a having a laugh than the people producing it - a fact which it would be wise to remember, lest we all end up making tech house or nu-skool breaks.

    yeah if you think commercial shite is fun, then go get off on it, just dont post this shite on an underground forum, i think mixmag have a forum, and i guess they would be more than happy to indulge themselves within this idea.

    its ideas such as this that give hard trance a bad name, its also the reason why hard trance is suffering right now.

    when i hear music, i like to hear honesty, and moralistic value within it, if you enjoy dancing round to this ones storming this storming, so here comes the fu*king warning(yawn zzzz zzzz zzz) then get yourself to mixmag, hows that for a fu*king warning :lol:

  6. #6
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    hard trance especially german is synonomous with cheese

    They go hand in hand!!!

  7. #7
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Right first off i dont appreciate being talking to like that ok !

    I think you've miss understood me, most of us have heard the track, Wilderstyle Generation by Trance Generators, and its a pretty wikkid tune i think! all i was think was using those words from that other tune and making something like that, it doesnt matter that the words are from a commerical tune or not, because you could redo the words yourself (and probably sound better). It was just an idea i thought of, and i thought it would sound pretty good.

    I'll have a go at making what im thinking of, and you'll see what i mean then!

  8. #8
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Dont diss unless its finished , you never know !

    I could make a banging version of postman pat for all you know !

    Go for it man , as long as its fresh and stays in boundries , then its all good no matter what the build !

  9. #9
    90's Trance head
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    UK - Northwest


    I could make a banging version of postman pat for all you know !
    haha id love to hear that mate :D

    Sequence is coming. It's going throughout your imagination. It takes you where you've been before. A higher state of mind. Yeah, you remember the early times. Now were trying to take you again. In the deepest seas of your consciousness.....Time never stops

  10. #10
    Junior Freak
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    Up own arse


    Quote Originally Posted by COL ECSTATIC
    Quote Originally Posted by djTequila
    F*ck me!

    Don't pull your punches, mate!


    Seems like no-one's in this for having a bit of fun any more. Believe me, the people dancing to this music are way more up for a having a laugh than the people producing it - a fact which it would be wise to remember, lest we all end up making tech house or nu-skool breaks.

    yeah if you think commercial shite is fun, then go get off on it, just dont post this shite on an underground forum, i think mixmag have a forum, and i guess they would be more than happy to indulge themselves within this idea.

    its ideas such as this that give hard trance a bad name, its also the reason why hard trance is suffering right now.

    when i hear music, i like to hear honesty, and moralistic value within it, if you enjoy dancing round to this ones storming this storming, so here comes the fu*king warning(yawn zzzz zzzz zzz) then get yourself to mixmag, hows that for a fu*king warning :lol:
    I simply cannot stand this 'holier than thou' musical attitude. I get it everywhere, and it is often the *cause* of a musical style suffering.

    Hard trance is suffering because it is an extreme/narrowly defined style of a form of music, and thus has a shelf life built in. See hard house, uplifting trance, gabber, deep progressive trance, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

    I'm gonna get flamed for this, but wtf. It's what I believe... The whole dance music 'revolution' is faltering now because of the endless division and subdivision it suffered a little while back. It used to be the case that there were hunderds of thousands of people into 'dance' music, so you could take a van full of freshly pressed vinyl and shift the lot at a rave. Now you get little pockets of people into very exactly defined genres, all dissing eachother's chosen forms of music, none of the pockets big enough to support an industry that will keep things progressing & growing.

    And as the individual crowds get smaller, more incestuous, and more cliquey, the attitude that I always hated in popular culture, and turned to dance music to get away from, starts to rear its ugly head...

    This makes me very sad.

    Remember the scene that started it all in this country. Acid house was about taking raw beats, snatches of popular culture, a 303 and a cheeky grin and creating something that made a crowd of people go 'Wooop'. When I see people getting all serious and deep about MUSIC DESIGNED TO MAKE PEOPLE GRIN I don't know wether to laugh or cry. This music was meant to be anti-culture, using the memes of the establishment against them. It got all deep when commercial interests started to take notice, and used larger budgets, expensive producers and better equipment to force the underground scene out of the market.

    You can't get very deep on an Amiga 4 track noisetracker.

    'Honesty and moralistic value' eh? Can't say I've EVER heard that expressed in music. Certainly not hard trance. Not dance music ever, in fact. The idea of 'morals' was never close to my mind when thrashing about like a loon to pounding beats. And I had all the honesty I needed slowly dissolving through my system and making my brain fizz.

    Maybe I'm just jaded from living in London. But I want music to be FUN dammit! Otherwise what's the FU*KING POINT?


  11. #11
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    djTequila wrote:

    'Honesty and moralistic value' eh? Can't say I've EVER heard that expressed in music.

    well sorry mate, but i have, its called underground music. music with no restrictions, music that prides itself in innovation, and more importantly music that dosent exist only for financial gain.

    i appreciate what your saying, and i like to have fun too, in fact theres nothing better than a good old boogie, but i only enjoy honest music, and it annoys me when people are naive enough to buy this shit, when at the other end of the line is some greedy bastard rubbing his hands together, having a little chuckle to himself.

    there is no innovation within this idea, basically it would be a bootleg(not very innovative) but dont get me wrong, this record would sell like a bastard, there would be thousands among thousands of 10-13 year olds flocking to hmv. wouldnt that be fun! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  12. #12
    Junior Freak
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    Up own arse



    It's not in the music, mate, but in the people making it. As far as I'm concerned, if people are in it for a laugh, and to make people happy, then the 'underground' spirit is maintained.

    If they're setting up an evil empire simply to make money from ripping people off, then they're capitalist wan*ers.

    The music, as always, does what it's supposed to - make people smile.

    Thing is, I've heard some really good, innovative commercial music - that's designed to make money - and some shit, 'underground' stuff. This is why I've never heard 'honesty' expressed in music. It's a human form of communication, and as such, just as prone to personal interpretation, deception, etc. as any other. More so, considering its abstract nature.

    Morality, like 'good' and 'evil' and other such terms, is a word that can only be defined in the context of the mind using it. It has no 'intrinsic' meaning, as one man's morals are so different to anothers. Usually, such words are used to justify belief systems, - either to reinforce these beliefs among similarly minded individuals, or to try to convince people to share these beliefs. This creates meme ghettos, and the results are not pretty.


  13. #13
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    I wish u lot wud stop all this, Bloody Hell!! :roll:

  14. #14
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djTequila

    It's not in the music, mate, but in the people making it. As far as I'm concerned, if people are in it for a laugh, and to make people happy, then the 'underground' spirit is maintained.

    If they're setting up an evil empire simply to make money from ripping people off, then they're capitalist wan*ers.

    The music, as always, does what it's supposed to - make people smile.

    Thing is, I've heard some really good, innovative commercial music - that's designed to make money - and some shit, 'underground' stuff. This is why I've never heard 'honesty' expressed in music. It's a human form of communication, and as such, just as prone to personal interpretation, deception, etc. as any other. More so, considering its abstract nature.

    Morality, like 'good' and 'evil' and other such terms, is a word that can only be defined in the context of the mind using it. It has no 'intrinsic' meaning, as one man's morals are so different to anothers. Usually, such words are used to justify belief systems, - either to reinforce these beliefs among similarly minded individuals, or to try to convince people to share these beliefs. This creates meme ghettos, and the results are not pretty.

    tequila i really do appreciate what you have to say, you've explained yourself in great detail, with great intellect along the way, but whilst i enjoy partying, and i enjoy having a laugh, i also like to be stimulated.

    commercial music provides me with no stimulation, however i do enjoy rolling around in hideous fits off laughter when i do hear commercial shite like the idea previously proposed.

  15. #15
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkstar
    I wish u lot wud stop all this, Bloody Hell!! :roll:
    hey, what do you expect when you propose an idea like this?

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by COL ECSTATIC
    Quote Originally Posted by darkstar
    I wish u lot wud stop all this, Bloody Hell!! :roll:
    hey, what do you expect when you propose an idea like this?
    I dont expect all this bullshit thats for sure !!! and you wont be laughing when u hear it !!!

  17. #17
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkstar
    Quote Originally Posted by COL ECSTATIC
    Quote Originally Posted by darkstar
    I wish u lot wud stop all this, Bloody Hell!! :roll:
    hey, what do you expect when you propose an idea like this?
    I dont expect all this bullshit thats for sure !!! and you wont be laughing when u hear it !!!
    look mate, if i hear this ones storming, so hear comes the warning, its a certainty that ill be rolling around the floor, it dosent matter whats playing underneath it, if i hear that cheesy vocal i'll piss myself, its ridiculous.

    when i first heard the original track that you are talking about, i laughed hard 'n' loud, belive me, its awful. the vocal sounds like its been conjured up by irritating pop teenyboppers & wannabe gangsters blazin squad.

  18. #18
    Junior Freak
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    Jan 2003


    LOL i know what u mean but i was going to get someone to redo the words, it wouldnt sound like that, it would be alot darker and harder sounding

  19. #19
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    instead of taking those lyrics, why not conjure up some of your own?
    that way its innovative, although dont go down the cheesy pop trance route please.(alice deejay, ian van dahl, dj sammy, etc)

    ive got to hand it you mate, you've taken my harsh comments with great patience. i apoligise for been harsh, and i know its not the first time that we have had a little run in. i just think its vital to come up with new ideas, i think thats why trance/hard trance is stuck at the moment, there seems to be a serious lack of imagination within the music. try think of something diffrent, and go with it, borrowing ideas from other tracks, and more notably commercial vocals is not the way forward.


  20. #20
    Junior Freak
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    Jan 2003


    Well u gotta take things with a pinch of salt on here really.

    The only reason i thought of that was because, i imagined it would sound quite bangin if u re-did the vocals, nevermind. :?

    Ive always liked the older hard trance, like Mass in Orbit - Cosmic orgasam, and stuff like that! u cant beat it! and no one seems to me making tunes like that anymore :(


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