Hi Guys,
First up thanks for all the support @ our first night
in the Studio's...Here is how we intend to go on...N-joy ;)

Date : 29-09-2006
Time 30 till 03:00
Tax: £6 Members / £7 Non-Members
Location: Studio24 (Main Floor), Calton Road, Edinburgh
Tunage: Techno, In all its forms


(Uti, Monox & Audiodacity)

Cymbol is the brainchild of a twisted mindmeld, specialising in
various forms of sonic manipulation via techno and fragmented
electro. Formed in 2001 by former members of Wave 7 as a reaction
to the generic club music of the era. The style is a fusion of intense
polyrhythms and intricate synthesis composed with a combination of
software and electronics ranging from harmonic electro soundscapes
through to dissonant 'baby in the blender' doom montages.


Date : 27-10-2006
Time 30 till 03:00
Tax: £6 Members / £7 Non-Members
Location: Studio24 (Main Floor), Calton Road, Edinburgh
Tunage: Techno, In all its forms


Autonome (live)
(Insurrekt recs)

Active in the underground free party movement for many years,
Autonome produces hard tribal tekno designed primarily for use
in "temporary autonomous free zones". His liveset merges software
and hardware to create an endless series of patterns, which are then
arranged, manipulated and effected live.


with support from :
Milkovic, Dirkatron, Sekonz & FuK-NuT aka Diverse Frequencies

As its our 3rd Birthday were having a fancy dress party, theme for the
evening is "Hero's n Villians"....Prizes will be given out for the 3 best


Attractions include :

Visuals, New and improved soundsytem and soundproof
ceiling, New decor, great crowd, Free cd's, various drink
promo's, memberships and a stall selling various bits and bob's...


Coming soon