Quote Originally Posted by Numeric View Post
bring it kopites, all to play for now
ahaha, seems you are not so cocky now then, eh? So you will be without Scholes, Rooney and Vidic! ... Are the walls crumbling down now? A liverpool win tomorrow will put immense pressure on the mancs and Fergie's red face is just a joke. rooney is pathetic and it really is sad that the sore losers always resort to the usual tricks of over-the-top aggression when they are losing. Fergie really is a sore loser and Rooney is the a prime example of his ego, but on the pitch instead.

oh the joy watching united lose once again! that's 4 losses this season. can't wait for arsenal to inflict another one on you! well done Fulham! I just hope we dont waste this perfect opportunity to put even more pressure on Fergie.

Chelsea lost as well! amazing... and that other team evershi*e