World Unknown... Up on the Roof
Sunday 16th June
@ The Lambeth

The best part of any building is the roof.

On Sun 16th June, WU has been given control of The Lambeth roof
(formerly Brixton Club House, Dex before that), you might be surprised to learn we're going to play music and dance on it. It's big enough for all of us, perfect in the sunshine, but the dance floor and other bits are covered just in case.

Andy Blake
Joe Hart

Plus guest
Timothy J Fairplay (live)

C'mon then, it'll be like Ibiza in the 80's with a hint of Strangeways in 1990.

Advance tickets£8 / £10 via

More £ on the door
Card carrying members £5

The Lambeth (Used to be Brixton Club House, Dex before)
467-469 Brixton Road (Corner of Coldharbour Lane by Ritzy)
Brixton, London, SW9 8HH