This is why techno is shot in the states.

No more than two hours ago I was doing a live set at a homies art show.
Graffiti art none the less
It was a party and I was asked to play techno straight forward no bull techno
Before me was an oldies dj who played old school classics.
Then myself, so while I am in the middle of my set, some black kid comes up
and says put some gangster shit on, meaning hip hop.
Mind you I laughed it off, the kid was small and looked like an easy knockout.
5 minutes later while I was surrounded by friends and rockin'
The same kid comes back and repeats the same rhetortic
This time lifting his shirt to show he was holding a piece.
No more than two seconds afterwards my friend who just so happened to not be fond of that kind of individual pulls out his gun, of course the music stops
and when you think this would end a party about two other kids within my social circle draw their weapons.

Is this what techno has been leveled to in the states?
Needless to say I was well protected and did not bitch out
I was talking smack the whole time, but I think it is pathetic to think that you
could approach a dj or performer in such a manner to threaten them to play music that you want to hear.

I hate this place.
Birthplace of techno?
I can't tell.